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View Employment Information


View Employment Information

Last updated: June 4, 2024

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A student's employment information displays in several locations in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). The Employment Information page shows a history of a student’s employment authorizations and employer(s) information; and the Student Information page displays important employment indicators for the student. 

To view a student's employment information:

  1. Go to the Student Information page.

The optional practical training (OPT) flag or indicator displays on the Student Information page under the student's name. The flag shows the student's active OPT status and type (pre-completion, post-completion, or science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)).

  2. Click Employment Information link under the View list on the left side of page. The Employment Information page opens.


The Employment Information page consists of a student’s Unemployment Counter for Active Employment, a table of the student’s employment data, and access to their employer information.

Unemployment Counter for Active Employment

The Unemployment Counter for Active Employment ID XXX table displays days allowed, accrued, and remaining for the active period of post-completion OPT or STEM OPT, which are both identified by the Employment ID.

Icon- additional information is available
  • If the student does not have current and approved post-completion or STEM OPT employment authorization, the Unemployment Counter for Active Employment does not display.
  • For additional information, see SEVIS Help Hub's Unemployment Counter


Employment Table


The Employment table displays the following:

Column Name

Description and Information to Note


Title: green plus sign - Description: green plus sign

Click green, plus icon to expand and display:

  • Any employer information a DSO or student may have entered.
  • Any accrued unemployment.

Title: red minus sign - Description: red minus sign

Click red, minus icon to collapse and hide employer information.

Active [OPT]

Dark dot when a student is in an active period of OPT, as shown below; otherwise, the field is empty.

Title: Screenshot of the Active column with a black dot indicating a student is on active OPT - Description: Screenshot of the Active column with a black dot indicating a student is on active OPT

Employment Type

Type of employment authorization:

  • CPT
  • Pre-Completion OPT
  • Post-Completion OPT
  • Off-Campus

Note: There is no indicator for on-campus employment.


Employment is either:

  • Full-time (FT) or
  • Part-time (PT)


Status of the employment request:

  • Requested
  • Approved
  • Denied
  • Canceled
  • Pending
  • Withdrawn


School whose DSO entered the employment request in SEVIS.

Request Date

Date the DSO submitted the employment authorization request in SEVIS.

DSO Recommended Start and End Dates

Dates requested by the DSO for the student to work.

For example:

  • Bob will finish his academic program on May 25, 2014. On April 30, 2014, Bob requests OPT authorization from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.
  • His DSO processes the request.
  • In SEVIS, the dates display as:
  • DSO Recommended OPT Start: 06/01/2014
  • DSO Recommended OPT End: 05/31/2015

Actual Start and End Dates

  • Actual Start Date: The first date the student can legally work. SEVIS populates this field with the USCIS-approved Start Date.

Note: For STEM OPT this will be the day after post-completion OPT ends.

  • Actual End Date: The last date the student can legally work. By default, it is the same as the USCIS‐approved OPT End Date, but is modified by SEVIS to the same date as the:
  • Transfer Release Date, if the student transfers to another school before the OPT ends.
  • Registration Date, if the student changes educational level before the OPT ends.
  • Termination Date, if record is terminated before the OPT ends.
  • Cap Gap Extension Date, if the student is eligible for it.

For example:

  • In October 2014, Bob transfers to another school. The DSO sets the Transfer Release Date to December 30, 2014.
  • On December 30, 2014, SEVIS:
  • Transfers Bob’s record to the new school.
  • Shortens Bob’s employment Actual End Date to December 30, 2014.
  • In SEVIS, the dates display as:
  • Actual Start Date: 06/20/2014
  • Actual End Date: 12/30/2014


Student’s level of study at the time of the employment request.


Receipt number assigned by USCIS to an employment application.

Employment ID

SEVIS auto-generated number for each employment authorization.


Icon - Pay attention to an important point

The USCIS Approved dates are the official dates USCIS granted OPT. They appear on the OPT Employment page, which is accessed with the OPT Request link on the Student Information page, and on the Employment Authorization Document (EAD). Usually, the OPT Actual and USCIS Approved dates are identical. However:

  • The STEM OPT Actual Start Date is always the day after post completion OPT End Date, even if the USCIS Approved Start Date is later.
  • The Actual End Date will change if the student takes an action that ends the OPT early; for example, transferring to another school or starting a new academic program. At that point the Actual End Date becomes current, but the USCIS Approved End Date remains unchanged.
page 2

The following employer information displays on the Employment table after clicking the green, Expand icon:

Column Name

Description and Information to Note

Employer Name (EIN)

Name of the employer and the employer identification number (EIN), if entered.


  • This could be the company name.
  • EIN is required for STEM employers.

Employer ID

SEVIS auto-generated ID number for each employment authorization.

Job Title

Student’s job title.


Employment is either:

  • Full-time (FT) or
  • Part-time (PT)

Start/End Dates

Dates the student began and ended work with this employer.

City, State, and ZIP

Address of the employer; to include city, state, and ZIP code.


How the employment is related to the student’s program of study.


Lists any actions available relating to the employer.

  • Uploads: Opens the Form I-983 Upload page, which allows DSOs to:
    • Upload documents.
    • View list of documents uploaded for the employer.


    • This Uploads link displays only for STEM OPT employers.
    • The contents of the uploaded documents cannot be viewed in SEVIS.
  • Future Actions: To be determined.

Accrued Days of Unemployment

Total number of days when there is no employer information for each:

  • Post-completion OPT authorization.
  • STEM OPT authorization.

Last updated: The last date SEVIS ran the unemployment calculator.

Note: CPT and Pre-completion OPT will display “Not Calculated.”

Icon - Pay attention to an important point

The Employment Information page lists all employment authorizations for an individual’s SEVIS ID. It does NOT list any authorizations for the same individual with another SEVIS ID.

Employer Information

To view the employer information, click the linked employer’s name in the expanded Employment table.

OPT employer

The following employer information displays on the Employer page:



Employer Information


Employer Name

Name of the employer.

Note: This could be the company name.


Employer identification number (EIN), if entered.

Note: EIN is required for STEM employers.

Employer ID

SEVIS auto-generated ID number for each employment authorization.


Address of the employer; to include city, state, and ZIP code.

Supervisor Information


First Name

Supervisor’s first name.

Last Name

Supervisor’s last name.


Supervisor’s telephone number.


Supervisor’s email address.

Job Information


Full/Part Time

Full-time or part-time employment.

Start Date

Date the student began work with this employer.

End Date

Date the student ended work with this employer.

Job Title

Student’s job title.

How employment is related to course work

Description of how the employment relates to the student’s program of study.

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Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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See the SEVIS Help Icons on the SEVIS Help Hub for a quick-reference of the icons used in this user guide.

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