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Report School Disciplinary Action as Result of Student Crime Conviction


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  5. Report School Disciplinary Action as Result of Student Crime Conviction

Report School Disciplinary Action as Result of Student Crime Conviction

Last updated: June 29, 2023

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Designated school officials (DSOs) must report in Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) within 21 days of any disciplinary action the school takes against a student as a direct result of a criminal conviction. Such action may include barring the student from campus, suspension, and expulsion of the student.

Icon - Regulatory or policy resources

For additional information on reporting requirements:

  • 8 CFR § 214.3(g)(1)
  • 8 CFR § 214.3(g)(2)(ii)(D)
Icon - Pay attention to an important point

Warning: Disciplinary action that requires reporting in SEVIS is limited to action taken that is a direct result of a criminal conviction. Do NOT use this function to report actions that are not crime-related, such as:

  • Placement on academic probation
  • Student life infractions

Note: This does not terminate the student record.

To report a disciplinary action taken by a school, because a student was convicted of a crime:

  1. Go to the Student Information page.
 the Student Information page with Disciplinary Action circled

  2. Click Disciplinary Action link under Actions. The Disciplinary Action page opens.

The Disciplinary Action

  3. Complete the following fields:



  1. This Student has had Disciplinary Action taken as a result of being Convicted of a Crime:

Select checkbox if the school took a disciplinary action, as a result of the student being convicted of a crime.

  1. *Explanation: (Required field)

Explain what disciplinary action was taken and why.

4. Click either Submit Action, Reset Values, or Cancel on the Disciplinary Action page:

  • Submit Action: Submits this Disciplinary Action and adds it to the student’s SEVIS record. The Update Successful confirmation page opens. Click either Return to View Record or Print I-20:


The Update Successful confirmation page


  • Return to View Record: Returns to the Student Information page with the Explanation comments printed in the Overall Remarks field. The Disciplinary Action is also listed on the Event History page.
the Student Information page with the Explanation comments printed in the Overall Remarks field
  • Print I-20: Prints the student’s Form I-20 with the Explanation comments printed in the Remarks field.
Icon- best practice
Icon - Regulatory or policy resources
  • Students are expected to keep all Forms I-20 issued during their academic career.  
  • When information on the Form I-20 changes, it is best to give a new copy to the student. 

Find more information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP's policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20. 

  • Reset Values: Clears the fields on the Disciplinary Action page.
  • Cancel: Cancels the action without filing a Disciplinary Action report and returns to the Student Information page.

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