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Request to Merge SEVIS Accounts


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Request to Merge SEVIS Accounts

Last updated: December 12, 2024

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Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) users can merge their SEVIS school and sponsor user accounts into one username.

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  • Merging accounts is voluntary, but highly encouraged.  
  • After completing this merge, you will: 
    • Be able to access all your schools and exchange programs with a single SEVIS username and password.  
    • Need only to maintain one password. 
    • Have only one place to update information on your account.  

There are four points to know when merging your SEVIS accounts:  

  • Your first and last names must match exactly on all Forms I-17 and DS-3036 with which you are associated. Your middle name fields do not need to match. 
  • All your SEVIS usernames must be active. You must have logged into SEVIS within the past 45 days using each of your usernames for them to be active. 
  • The title associated with the SEVIS username you choose will automatically appear on all Forms I-17 and DS-3036 with which you are associated. It will also appear on all the Forms I-20 and DS-2019 that you print.  
  • The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), Department of State (DOS), and SEVIS will only contact you using the email address associated with the SEVIS username you choose. This email address will automatically appear on all the Forms I-17 and DS-3036 with which you are associated. 

If you have more than one SEVIS account and want to access them using only one SEVIS username, follow the steps below. 

Step 1: Choose the SEVIS Username You Want to Keep 

You will need to choose which SEVIS username to use as your login going forward.  

Step 2: Confirm All your SEVIS Usernames Are Active 

You will need to log into SEVIS using each of your usernames to ensure that they are all active in SEVIS. If you cannot use one of your usernames, work with your principal designated school officials (PDSOs) or responsible officer (RO) to resolve the problem. Once you have opened SEVIS with all your usernames, you can proceed to step three. 

Step 3: Confirm your SEVIS Official Information 

You will need to confirm that your name, title, and email are correct on the SEVIS Form I-17 or DS-3036, which is associated with the username you choose as your login.  

Name Change 

Check your SEVIS official information on all the Forms I-17 and DS-3036 with which you are associated. Your first and last names must all match exactly for every SEVIS account you have. (Your middle name does not have to match).  

In the example forms below, Tootie Campbell can request an account merge because her first and last names match in both Forms I-17 and DS-3036. 

Example forms: 

Screenshot of the Edit School Information field in SEVIS
Screenshot of the example merge request form
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If your first or last name is different across the forms, your PDSO and RO, or you as an alternate responsible officer (ARO), must standardize your name on any of the forms that are incorrect. To change your name on any of the forms: 

All name changes must be adjudicated by the SEVP School Certification Unit (SCU) or the DOS Office of Private Sector Exchange Designation before accounts can be merged. 

Title, Email, and Phone Number Changes 

Your title in SEVIS should reflect your institutional title. Check the title listed on the SEVIS official information that is associated with your chosen username.  

In our example forms above, if Tootie Campbell wanted both of her titles to print on forms, she would need to update the title associated with her chosen username. Tootie can combine her two titles into one, “International Student Advisor, Immigration Specialist.” The Title field has a 60character limit, so the example above of 49 characters is good. 

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  • This title will automatically appear on all Forms I-17 and DS-3036 with which you are associated. 
  • This title will print on all Forms I-20 and Forms DS-2019 that you issue. 
  • There is a 60-character limit to the Title field in SEVIS.  

In our example forms above, Tootie has two different email addresses. SEVIS only allows one email address per username. SEVP and SEVIS will use the email address associated with her chosen username to communicate with her. The same is true for Tootie’s telephone number. 

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  • The PDSO or RO/ARO can update your title, email address, and telephone number in SEVIS at any time. These are not adjudicated fields. 
  • Only the RO can update RO information. 

Step 4: Request the Merge 

Once your SEVIS official information appears as you want it on the Form I-17 or Form DS-3036 associated with your chosen SEVIS username, you can submit a request to merge your user accounts. To request the merging of accounts:

  1. Open a new email, addressed to
  2. Enter the Subject line “Merge Accounts.”
  3. Copy and paste the following example Merge Accounts Email Request into your email; include all the table fields and the language above and below the table in your email.

Example Merge Accounts Email Request: 

I am requesting to merge my SEVIS accounts. See the information below:

User's Last Name

User's First Name

Active Usernames 

School or Program Name(s) (tied to username in the row) 

School or Program Number (tied to username in the row) 

User Role (PDSO, DSO, RO, or ARO) (tied to username in the row) 


Chosen Username 

Campbell Tootie


SEVP University 






Campbell Tootie


Robertson Research Institute 





Campbell Tootie


SEVP University of the South 





If you need additional information, you can contact me here: <Enter your phone number and email address>

Thank you,

<Your email signature block>

4. Delete the sample information in the table and complete the form with your accurate information in each cell.

  • Enter your currently active SEVIS usernames and the respective organizations.
  • There must be a separate row for each username and school/campus or program number.

5. Enter your phone number and email address in your email text.

6. Send your Merge Accounts Email Request by email to The request will be processed in the order received.

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If the table is not completed accurately, we will return it to you for proper completion. We cannot merge your SEVIS accounts with incomplete or incorrect data. 

If you have questions about this process, contact SEVP Response Center at, or at 703-603-3400 or 800-892-4829, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, except federal holidays. 

Icon - Pay attention to an important point
  • While the account is being merged, you may experience an issue if you try to log in using the old, unchosen username.  
  • You should be able to access the school and program using your chosen username.  
  • If you continue to have issues after receiving a resolution for your merged account ticket, call the SEVP Response Center.  


  • After your accounts have been merged, if you are added to additional schools or exchange programs, your PDSO and/or RO will need to add you to the Forms I-17 or DS-3036 as an existing user using your chosen username.  
  • Creating a new account with a different username will result in you once again having multiple usernames and accounts.

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