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Form I-17 Listing of Available Degrees


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Form I-17 Listing of Available Degrees

Last updated: September 14, 2023

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Level Degree Program
K-12 High School Diploma
K-12 K-12 Certificate
K-12 K-12 Other
Master Education Specialist
ESL ESL Certificate
ESL ESL Pathways Programs
Post-Secondary Non-Degree Post-Secondary Certificate
Post-Secondary Non-Degree Post-Secondary Non-Degree
Post-Secondary Non-Degree Post-Secondary Other
Associate Associate Certificate
Associate Associate Non-Degree
Associate Associate of Applied Arts (AAA)
Associate Associate of Applied Business (AAB)
Associate Associate Other
Associate Associate of Science (AS)
Associate Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene (ASDH)
Associate Associate Degree Nurse/Nursing (ADN)
Associate Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Associate Associate of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene (AASDH)
Associate Associate of Applied Technology (AAT)
Associate Associate of Arts (AA)
Associate Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)
Associate Associate of Business Administration (ABA)
Associate Associate of Electrical Engineering Technology (AEET)
Associate Associate of Electronics (AE)
Associate Associate of Engineering (AE/AEng)
Associate Associate of Engineering Technology (AET/AEngT)
Associate Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)
Associate Associate of Forestry (AF)
Associate Associate of General Studies (AGS)
Associate Associate of Industrial Technology (AIT)
Associate Associate of Nursing (AN)
Associate Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS)
Associate Associate of Technology (AT)
Bachelor Bachelor Certificate
Bachelor Bachelor Non-Degree
Bachelor Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Bachelor Bachelor of  Arts (BA)
Bachelor Bachelor of Architecture (BArch)
Bachelor Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (BBmE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Business Administration (BB/BBA)
Bachelor Bachelor of Canon Law (BCL)
Bachelor Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Computer Engineering (BCompE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Criminal Justice (BCJ)
Bachelor Bachelor of Dental Science (BDSc)
Bachelor Bachelor of Divinity (BD)
Bachelor Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (BEE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Engineering (BE/BEng)
Bachelor Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Environmental Science (BES)
Bachelor Bachelor of Fiber Engineering (BFE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Bachelor Bachelor of Forestry (BF)
Bachelor Bachelor of Health Administration/Bachelor of Healthcare Administration (BHA)
Bachelor Bachelor of Hebrew Letters (BHL)
Bachelor Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Journalism (BJ)
Bachelor Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Bachelor Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Literature (BLit)
Bachelor Bachelor of Marine Science (BMS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME)
Bachelor Bachelor of Ministry (Bmin)
Bachelor Bachelor of Music (BM)
Bachelor Bachelor of Nursing (BN)/Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Bachelor Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOTh)
Bachelor Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)
Bachelor Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil)
Bachelor Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (BSAE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BSAE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering (BSBE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems (BSBS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Biomedical
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BSBAE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BSChBE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering (BSCME)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSChE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BSCh)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (BS-CIE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology (BSCET/BSCivET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE/BSCoE/BSCpE/BSCmpE/BSCP)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology (BSCET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (BSCSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Technology (BSConET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Drafting Design Technology (BSDDT)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Education (BEd/BSEd)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (BSECE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology (BSEET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronics Technology (BSET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology (BSEMET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE/BSEN)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management (BSEMgt)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSEnE/BSEnvE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Forest Research (BSForRes)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering (BSMfgE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (BSMSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering (BSMAE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (BSMSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (BSMET)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering (BSMtE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering (BSMIE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Systems (BS-SYST)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering (BSSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Science/Scientiae Baccalaureus (BS, SB)
Bachelor Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Bachelor Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSWE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Systems Engineering (BSE)
Bachelor Bachelor of Technology (BT/BTech)
Bachelor Bachelor of Theological Studies
Bachelor Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
Bachelor Bachelor of Wireless Engineering (BWE)
Bachelor Bachelor Other
Doctorate Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Master  Master Non-Degree
Master  Master Other
Master  Master's Certificate
Master  Post- Master's Certificate
Master  Post-Baccalaureate certificate
Master Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Master Master in Business Communications (MBC)
Master Master of Accounting (MAcc)
Master Master of Aerospace Engineering (MAE/MSAE)
Master Master of Agricultural Economics (MAE)
Master Master of Agricultural Extension (MAExt)
Master Master of Agriculture (MAg/MAgr)
Master Master of Applied Anthropology (MAA)
Master Master of Applied Historical Research
Master Master of Architectural Engineering (MAE/MSAE)
Master Master of Architecture (MArch)
Master Master of Arts (MA/AM)
Master Master of Arts in Art Education (MAAE/MAAEd)
Master Master of Arts in Art Therapy (MAAT)
Master Master of Arts in Arts Administration (MAAA)
Master Master of Arts in Behavioral Science (MABS)
Master Master of Arts in College Teaching (MACT)
Master Master of Arts in Communications (MAC)
Master Master of Arts in Community Psychology (MACP)
Master Master of Arts in Computer Education (MACE)
Master Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Studies (MACCS)
Master Master of Arts in Family Counseling (MAFC)
Master Master of Arts in the Humanities (MAH)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Counseling (MAC/MSC)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Counseling Psychology (MACP/MSCP)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Criminal Justice (MACJ/MSCJ)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Education (MAEd/MSEd)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Journalism (MAJ/MSJ)
Master Master of Arts/Science in Teaching (MAT/MST)
Master Master of Bioinformatics (MB)
Master Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master Master of Chemical Engineering (MCE/MSChE)
Master Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP/MRCP)
Master Master of City Planning (MCP)
Master Master of Civil Engineering (MCE/MSCE)
Master Master of Clinical Medical Science (MCMS)
Master Master of Community Health (MCH)
Master Master of Comparative Law (MCL/LLCM)
Master Master of Computer Engineering (MCE/MSCE)
Master Master of Computer Science (MCS)
Master Master of Criminal Justice (MCJ)
Master Master of Design (MDes)
Master Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Master Master of Earth Science (MESci)
Master Master of Economics (MEcon)
Master Master of Education (MEd)
Master Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering (MECE)
Master Master of Electrical Engineering (MEE/MSEE)
Master Master of Engineering (ME/MEng)/Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)
Master Master of Engineering Management (MEM/MSEMgt)
Master Master of Engineering Science (MES)
Master Master of Engineering Technology (MET/MSET)
Master Master of Environmental Design (MED)
Master Master of Environmental Design Studies (MEDS)
Master Master of Environmental Planning (MEP)
Master Master of Environmental Science/Studies (MES)
Master Master of Family Therapy (MFT)
Master Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Master Master of Forest Engineering (MFE)
Master Master of Forest Resources (MFR)
Master Master of Forestry (MF)
Master Master of Geological Engineering (MGE)
Master Master of Health Administration (MHA)
Master Master of Health Science (MHS)
Master Master of Hebrew Letters (MHL)
Master Master of Heritage/Historical Preservation (MHP)
Master Master of Home Economics (MHE)
Master Master of Hospitality Management (MHM)
Master Master of Individualized/Interdisciplinary Studies (MIS)
Master Master of Industrial Design (MID)
Master Master of Industrial Engineering (MIE/MSIE)
Master Master of Information Resources Management (MIRM)
Master Master of Information Technology (MIT)
Master Master of International Affairs (MIA)
Master Master of International Business/Business Administration (MIB/MIBA)
Master Master of Journalism (MJ)
Master Master of Justice Administration (MJA)
Master Master of Kinesiology (MKin)
Master Master of Landscape Architecture (MLArch/MLA)
Master Master of Law Librarianship (MLL)
Master Master of Laws (LLM)
Master Master of Management (MM)
Master Master of Manufacturing Engineering (MME)
Master Master of Manufacturing Management (MMM)
Master Master of Marine Affairs (c)
Master Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MMFT)
Master Master of Mass Communications (MMC)
Master Master of Materials Science (MMS)
Master Master of Materials Science and Engineering (MMSE)(MSMatSE)
Master Master of Mechanical Engineering (MME/MSME)
Master Master of Ministry (MMin)
Master Master of Music (MM/MMus)
Master Master of Music Education (MMEd)
Master Master of Music Therapy (MMT)
Master Master of Nursing (MN)/Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Master Master of Nursing Administration (MNA/MSNA)
Master Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT/MSOT)
Master Master of Pharmacy (MPharm)
Master Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Master Master of Physical Education (MPE/MPEd)
Master Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)
Master Master of Planning (MP)
Master Master of Professional Accounting (MPA/MProfAcc)
Master Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Master Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA)
Master Master of Public Health (MPH)/Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH)
Master Master of Public Health Education (MPHE)
Master Master of Public Management (MPM)
Master Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Master Master of Real Estate Development (MRED/MSRED)
Master Master of Recreation Administration (MRA)
Master Master of Recreation and Parks Administration (MRPA)
Master Master of Regional Planning (MRP)
Master Master of Rehabilitation Counseling (MRC)
Master Master of Rehabilitation Medicine (MRM)
Master Master of Religious Education (MRE/MRelEd)
Master Master of Sacred Music (MSM)/Master of Liturgical Music (MLitM)
Master Master of Sacred Theology (STM)
Master Master of Science (MS)
Master Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics (MSAA)
Master Master of Science in Architecture (MSArch)
Master Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI)
Master Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBE)
Master Master of Science in Business Administration (MSBA)
Master Master of Science in Ceramic Engineering (MSCerE)
Master Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD/MScD)
Master Master of Science in Economics (MSE)
Master Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MSEnvE)
Master Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Studies (MSESS)
Master Master of Science in Finance (MSF)
Master Master of Science in Forensic Science (MSFS)
Master Master of Science in Forestry (MSF)
Master Master of Science in Genetic Counseling (MSGC)
Master Master of Science in Gerontology (MSG)
Master Master of Science in Human Resources (MSHR)
Master Master of Science in Information Science/Systems (MSIS)
Master Master of Science in Management (MSM/MSMgt)
Master Master of Science in Mass Communications (MSMC)
Master Master of Science in Medical Illustration (MSMI)
Master Master of Science in Medical Technology (MSMT)
Master Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering (MSMetE)
Master Master of Science in Natural Science (MSNS)
Master Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (MSNE)
Master Master of Science in Nurse Anesthesia (MSNA)
Master Master of Science in Orthodontics (MSO)
Master Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (MSPetE/MSPNGE)
Master Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSPS)
Master Master of Science in Textiles (MSText)
Master Master of Social Work (MSW)
Master Master of Taxation (MT)
Master Master of Technology (MTech)
Master Master of Theologial Studies (MTS)
Master Master of Theology (ThM)
Master Master of Tourism Management (MTM/MTHM)
Master Master of Urban Planning (MUP)
Master Master of Urban Studies (MUS)
Master Master of Veterinary Science (MVetSc/MVS)
Master Master of Women’s Studies (MWS)
Doctorate  Doctoral Certificate
Doctorate  Doctorate Other
Doctorate  Post-Doctoral Certificate
Doctorate Doctor of Arts (DA)
Doctorate Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Doctorate Doctor of Canon Law (JCD/DCL)
Doctorate Doctor of Chiropractor (DC)
Doctorate Doctor of Church Music (DCM)
Doctorate Doctor of Dental Science/Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
Doctorate Doctor of Design (DDes)
Doctorate Doctor of Divinity (DD)
Doctorate Doctor of Education (EdD)
Doctorate Doctor of Engineering (DEng/DESc/DES)
Doctorate Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA)
Doctorate Doctor of Hebrew Letters (DHL)
Doctorate Doctor of Industrial Technology (DIT)
Doctorate Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD/SJD)
Doctorate Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Doctorate Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
Doctorate Doctor of Modern Languages (DML)
Doctorate Doctor of Music (DM)
Doctorate Doctor of Music Education (DME)
Doctorate Doctor of Musical/Music Arts (DMA)
Doctorate Doctor of Nurse Practitioner (DNP)
Doctorate Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc)
Doctorate Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
Doctorate Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctorate Doctor of Physical Education (DPE)
Doctorate Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
Doctorate Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)
Doctorate Doctor of Public Health (DPH)
Doctorate Doctor of Sacred Theology (STD)
Doctorate Doctor of Science (DSc/ScD)
Doctorate Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
Doctorate Doctor of Theology (DTh/ThD)
Doctorate Juris Doctor (JD)
Other Specify
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Additional Aircraft Category or Class Rating
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Aircraft Type Rating
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Combined Private Pilot and Instrument Rating
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Commercial Pilot
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Flight Instructor
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Flight Instructor Instrument
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Ground Instructor
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Instrument Rating
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Other
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Private Ground School
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Private Pilot
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Private Pilot Helicopter
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 141 Special Curriculum
Post-Secondary Flight Certificate 142 Program of Study

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