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Form I-17 Petition Update - Add-Remove Program Degrees


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  6. Form I-17 Petition Update - Add-Remove Program Degrees

Form I-17 Petition Update - Add-Remove Program Degrees

Last updated: July 24, 2020

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Designated school officials (DSOs) must list the degrees associated with programs of study for international students admitted to their schools.
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DSOs should not issue a Form I-20 for programs of study that are not listed on the school’s Form I-17.

The DSOs can use the list of degrees’ widget in SEVIS to view, add, or remove degrees from the school’s programs of study. The widget is in a table format, which can be used to sort by the columns. To access the widget:

1. Navigate to the School Information page.

2. Click Edit button in Section 2: Programs of Study.

3. Scroll to Section 2.3: List the degrees available from this school.

The widget has six components, as annotated below:

Degree Widget

1. Show ## entries – Selects how many degrees to display on the page. The choices are 10 (the default), 20, 50, 100, All.

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SEVIS retains any changes made when navigating from page to page within the list, if a choice of 10, 20, 50, or 100 is selected.

2. Search – Searches for a specific degree level or degree name. SEVIS lists the degrees that contain the series of letters entered in the field. Wildcard symbols are not needed.

3. Print – Displays a print view of all degrees in SEVIS or displays a select list of degrees if the Search function is used first.

  • Use the browser’s Print function to print the list.
  • Use the Esc key to exit the print list view.

4. Sortable Header – Sorts the list by any of the columns. Click the up or down arrow to the right of the column title to sort.

  • Level – Indicates the level of study associated with the degree:
    • K-12
    • ESL
    • Post-Secondary Non-Degree
    • Associate
    • Bachelor
    • Master
    • Doctorate
    • Other

Degree Name – Shows the name of the degree.

Status – Shows whether the degree is selected for the Form I-17 or not selected (blank value).

Degree Status

o Selected means the degree is on or was added to the Form I-17.

Icon- additional information is available
SEVIS will add or remove the word “selected” only if you save your changes, leave the Programs of Study page, and return to it.

      o Blank value means the degree is not on the school’s Form I-17.

  • Previous Status – Indicates when editing the Form I-17, if the degree is on the approved Form I-17.
Adjudicated Section

     o Adjudicated means the degree is already on the approved Form I-17.

     o Blank value means the degree is not on the approved Form I-17. 5.

5. List of Degrees – Displays the degrees. Simply click on a row to add or remove the degree. When clicked, the color of the row changes.

List of Degrees
  • Selected degrees on the Form I-17 have blue highlights.
  • Degrees that are not selected or have been deselected do not have a blue highlight.
Icon - Pay attention to an important point

SEVIS will group and display the list with the following sort order:

     1. By Status in the following order:

          a. Adjudicated degrees already on the school’s Form I-17, if any. SEVIS highlights                these in blue.

          b. Selected, but not Adjudicated degrees. SEVIS highlights these in blue.

          c. Adjudicated degrees that have been deselected, but not yet approved for                          removal from the Form I-17.

          d. Degrees available for selection.

     2. By Level, alphabetically by degree name within the level.

6. Navigation – Shows how many degrees are listed on the page, how many degrees are available, and allows the user to navigate to other pages of the list.

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SEVIS keeps your selections as you move from page to page of the list.

See the SEVIS Help Icons on the SEVIS Help Hub for a quick-reference of the icons used in this user guide.

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