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School Information


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School Information

Last updated: June 17, 2020

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The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) School Information page displays the school’s current information, which is recorded on the school’s Form I-17. The School Information page is the main hub for actions a designated school official (DSO) can take on a school record. It provides easy access to update the school’s record, when needed.

The School Information page has multiple sections for easy viewing and access of school information:

  • Contact Information
  • Programs of Study
  • Accreditations and Recognitions
  • School Calendar, Costs and Demographics
  • Campuses, Instructional Sites and Officials

To open the School Information page:

1. Go to the Listing of Schools page. 

Listing of Schools page with school choice drop down menu and  School Information page link in red.

2. Click the drop-down arrow and select a school from the displayed list of schools. The school name then appears in hyperlinked text above a listing of its campuses.

3. Click the link of the school name. The School Information page opens.

Entire School Information page
Icon- additional information is available

The numbers on the School Information page graphic are not found in SEVIS. They are used in the first column of the School Information Functionalities tables to indicate the sections being described.

The School Information page is separated into sections. The top, left corner of the School Information page contains Page Navigation links, along with links for Actions and Views, and print options for the school’s Form I-17.

Icon- additional information is available

The links under Page Navigation only serve to navigate within the School Information page. To edit information on this page, click Update School Information (Form I-17) link under Actions.

The following tables provide a high-level description of each School Information page section.

Section of School Information page listing, School information Header, Print I-17 button, Page navigation and Section 1 of the Form I-17: Contact Information
# Section Description
1 School Information header

Provides information on:

  • School name
  • School code
  • Certification expiration date
  • School status
  • Next user verification date
  • Previous school code
2 Print I-17 Form Provides the ability to print the school's Form I-17.
3 Page Navigation, Actions and Views

Provides links for:

  • Page Navigation: Navigates only within the School Information page.
  • Actions: Provides Update School Information (Form I-17) link to edit information on School Information page and links for other DSO actions, as needed.
  • Views: Provide links to View Draft Update [Form I-17] and View Event History.
4 Section 1: Contact Information

Contains school information on:

  • Approval for attendance of students under; for example, Section 101(a)(15)(f) of the Act (Academic and Language Students)
  • Name of school or school system
  • Name of main campus
  • Mailing address of the school
  • Telephone number
  • FAX number
  • Physical location of the school
  • School type
Section of School Information page listing Section 2 of the Form I-17: Programs of Study and Section 3 of the Form I-17: Accreditations and Recognitions.
# Section Description
5 Section 2: Programs of Study

Contains school information on:

  • Programs the school is engaged in
  • Areas of study
  • Degrees available from school
  • Courses of study and time necessary to complete each
6 Section 3: Accreditations and Recognitions

Contains school information on:

  • Date school was established
  • Department of Education recognized accrediting agencies and effective dates
  • SEVP-identified accrediting agencies and effective dates
  • State recognitions and effective dates
  • Optional comments; for example, provides information about licenses, accreditations and other recognitions that your school may hold that are relevant to SEVP certification
  • FAA certification with certification number and effective dates
Section of the School Information page listing Section 4 of the Form I-17: School Calendar, Costs, and Demographics and Section 5/6 of the Form I-17: Campuses and Instructional Sites and Officials
# Section Description
7 Section 4: School Calendar, Costs and Demographics

Contains school information on:

  • School’s basis for sessions; for example, semesters or quarters
  • Date registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year
  • When sessions are held; for example, day or night
  • Average annual number of:
    • Classes
    • Students
    • Teachers or instructors
    • Non-teaching employees
  • Approximate annual cost of room, board, tuition, etc., per student
  • Requirements for admission
8 Section 5/6: Campuses and Instructional Sites and Officials

Contains school information on:

  • Campus name(s)
  • Campus code
  • Mailing address
  • Location address
  • Telephone number
  • FAX number
  • School official’s information:
    • Official name
    • Title
    • Role; for example, PDSO or DSO
    • Telephone number
    • Email address
Icon - Pay attention to an important point

For information on how to enter or update information in the School Information page, see SEVIS Help Hub articles:

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Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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See the SEVIS Help Icons on the SEVIS Help Hub for a quick-reference of the icons used in this user guide.

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