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Print Dependent's Form I-20


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  5. Print Dependent's Form I-20

Print Dependent's Form I-20

Last updated: April 27, 2023

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A designated school official (DSO) may find it necessary to print a dependent’s Form I-20. To print a dependent’s Form I-20:

  1. Go to the Student Information page.
Screenshot of the Student Information page
  1. Click the dependent’s SEVIS ID in the Dependents section. The Student Information page with a Dependent Information section opens.
Screenshot of Dependent Information page
  1. Click the Print Dependent I-20 button. Downloads message displays with buttons to Open or Save the Form I-20.
Screenshot of Downloads message pop-up
  1. Click Open. The Dependent Form I-20 file opens as a PDF for printing.
Screenshot of the Dependent Form I-20 PDF
  1. Click the Print icon. Follow the browser prompts to print the Form I-20.
Icon- best practice
Icon - Regulatory or policy resources
  • Students or dependents are expected to keep all Forms I-20 issued during the student’s academic career.
  • When information on the Form I-20 changes, it is best to give a new copy to the student or dependent.
  • Find information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP’s policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20.

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