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Extending the F-1 Form I-20

Extending the F-1 Form I-20

Last updated: May 31, 2020

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Students may need to extend their F-1 status for an academic reason, a medical reason, or a designated school official (DSO) error. In these cases, DSOs can extend a student’s program of study prior to the program end date in SEVIS. For F-1 students, this update does not require the Student and Exchange Visitor Program’s (SEVP) adjudication. The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) allows for an extension period of up to one year.

Regulations and Policy

Icon - Regulatory or policy resources

Check these regulations and policy guidance to determine if your F-1 student is eligible for an extension:

Best Practices

Icon- best practice

Before you extend, it is best practice to: 

  • Obtain an explanation from the student’s advisor/instructor for the extension and the new program end date.
  • Obtain current financial documentation showing enough funds to pay tuition and living expenses for the student and any dependents.
  • Update Financial Information in SEVIS.

Always print, sign and issue to students an updated Form I-20 with adjusted program dates.

To extend the student’s F-1 status:

1. Search for the student in SEVIS and go to the Student Information page.

Extending F1 Status

2. Click Extend Program under the Actions column. The Extend Program page opens. The Extend Program page allows users to view and enter required information on a student’s program extension.

Extending F1 Status 2
  • Enter the New Program End Date.
    • This date must be after the current date.
    • This is a required field.
  • Enter the reason for the Medical or Academic Circumstances that Necessitate the Extension. This field is required.
  •  Click Extend Program to submit the new information. If the program extension is successful, an Update Successful page opens.
update successful page
  • Select either Return to View Record or Print I-20.
    • Return to View Record: Returns to Student Information page.
    • Print I-20: Prints a new Form I-20 for the student.
Icon- best practice

It is a best practice to print a copy of the Form I-20 for the student, if the program end date changes.

To view the newly made program extension:

1. Go to the Student Information page.

2. Select Event History under the View tab. The Event History page opens.

Extending F1 Status 4

3. Click the Plus icon on the Program Extension row to display the extension data.

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Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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