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Nonimmigrant Search


Nonimmigrant Search

Last updated: November 4, 2021

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SEVIS offers a specific search option on the Navigation Bar and a Search Student and Dependents page. These allow DSOs to find a particular nonimmigrant or group of nonimmigrants. SEVIS also allows users to export their search results to track and manage student records.

Type  Functions
Navigation Bar SEVIS ID Search Uses a specific SEVIS ID to search for a student or exchange visitor in any of the P/DSO and/or RO/ARO’s approved schools and programs.
Quick Search (on Search Student & Dependents page) Searches for one student using one of the following criteria:
  • SEVIS Identification (ID)
  • Exact Surname/Primary Name

Note: The Quick Search Surname/Primary Name can only search for students. The Surname/Primary Name field cannot be used to search for dependents.

Advanced Search (on Search Student & Dependents page) Searches for either of the following:
  • One individual, using additional search criteria
  • Groups of individuals who all meet the same search criteria

Advanced Search contains options to search with other data, refine the search options, and display the results as desired. Advanced Search has four sections to enter the required parameters: Include, Search Criteria, Refine By, and Sort Results By.


The Navigation Bar – SEVIS ID Search uses the SEVIS ID to search for a student or exchange visitor in any of the P/DSO and/or RO/ARO’s approved schools and programs. SEVIS users can always access this search function in the Navigation Bar.

SEVIS Navigation Bar

To search for a nonimmigrant in the Navigation Bar:

  1. Enter the student’s SEVIS ID number. The SEVIS ID field features include:
    • “N” and any leading zeros are optional.
    • To erase the entire field, place the cursor in the box and click the X on the right side of the field.
  2. Click Search icon.
    • Messages appear for invalid entries:
      • If you enter an incorrectly formatted SEVIS ID, SEVIS displays an invalid SEVIS ID error message.
Invalid SEVIS ID
  • If SEVIS cannot find the SEVIS ID you entered, SEVIS displays a no matching record found message. 


No Matching Record Found Message

Both the Quick Search and Advanced Search options are located on the SEVIS Search Student and Dependents page. To navigate to the Search Student and Dependents page, click Search on the Listing of Schools page, which is accessed by clicking Main on the SEVIS Navigation Bar.

SEVIS Search Student and Dependents page

Quick Search

The Quick Search is a simple search to find a nonimmigrant, using a SEVIS ID or Surname/Primary Name.

  1. Go to the Search Student and Dependents page.
  2. Enter one of the following in the top Quick Search section:
Field  Description
SEVIS ID Enter the student’s SEVIS ID number. The SEVIS ID field features include:
  • The “N” and any leading zeros are optional.
  • To erase the entire field, place the cursor in the box and click the X on the right side of the field.
  • A red dotted line around the box indicates an incorrect entry format.
  • Roll the mouse over the field for an error explanation message.
quick search
Surname/Primary Name Enter the student’s exact Surname/Primary Name. The Surname/Primary Name field features include:
  • Wildcards are not allowed.
  • 80-character maximum.
  • Special characters are not allowed.
  • Use only letters A to Z:
    • To erase the entire field, place the cursor in the box and click the on the right side of the field.
    • A red dotted line around the box indicates an incorrect entry format.
    • Roll the mouse over the field for an error explanation message.


Search Students & Dependents
  1. Click Search to the right of the field to find the SEVIS record.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search is a way to find one nonimmigrant, or a group of nonimmigrants, using different search options and refinements.
Include Section

  1. Go to the Search Student and Dependents page.
  2. Select one of the nonimmigrant options:
  • F-1/M-1 (Students) – Searches only F-1/M-1 students
  • F-2/M-2 (Spouse/Dependents) – Searches only F-2/M-2 spouses or dependents
Advanced Search

Search Criteria Section

  1. Select one of the Search Criteria options to perform a search:
Field Description
Surname/Primary Name Searches for the name in the Surname/Primary Name field of a SEVIS record. The Surname/Primary Name field features include:
  • This is a required field; that is, if the Surname/Primary Name radio button is selected, you must enter a name in the field.
  • 80-character maximum.
  • Do not use special characters. 
  • Use only letters A to Z.
  • Allows a trailing wildcard, for example, Joh* after three letters are entered.
  • Do not use abbreviations, such as FNU, to indicate an unknown name.
  • If the nonimmigrant has only one name, enter it in this field.
Given Name (second field of Surname/ Primary Name field) Searches for the name in the Given Name field of a SEVIS record. The Given Name field features include:
This is an optional field.
80-character maximum.
Use only letters A to Z.
Allows a trailing wildcard, for example, J*.
Passport Name Searches for the name in the Passport Name field of a SEVIS record. The Passport Name field features include:
  • This is a required field; that is, if the Passport Name radio button is selected, you must enter a name in the field.
  • Can search using any name appearing in the Passport Name field of SEVIS record.
  • 39-character maximum.
  • Do not use special characters.
  • Use only letters A to Z.
  • Allows a trailing wildcard, for example, Joh* after three letters are entered.
Preferred Name Searches for the name in the Preferred Name field of a SEVIS record. The Preferred Name field features include:
  • This is a required field; that is, if the Preferred Name radio button is selected, you must enter a name in the field.
  • Can search using any name appearing in the Preferred Name field of SEVIS record.
  • 180-character maximum. 
  • Do not use special characters.
  • Use only letters A to Z.
  • Allows hyphens and apostrophes.
  • Allows a trailing wildcard, for example, Joh* after three letters are entered.
Legacy Family Name Searches for the name in the Legacy Family Name field of a SEVIS record. The Legacy Family Name field features include:
  • This is a required field; that is, if the Legacy Family Name radio button is selected, you must enter a name in the field.
  • 40-character maximum.
  • Do not use special characters. 
  • Use only letters A to Z.
  • Allows a trailing wildcard, for example, Joh*, after three letters are entered.
Legacy First Name (second field of Legacy Family Name) Searches for the name in the Legacy First Name field of a SEVIS record. The Legacy First Name field features include:
  • This is an optional field.
  • 40-character maximum.
  • Do not use special characters. 
  • Use only letters A to Z.
  • Do not use trailing wildcard.
All Records Searches all names in the school or campus’s SEVIS ID records.
Note: Requires the selection of at least one additional field in the Refine By section. Refining the Campus field does not count.

Refine by Section

  1. You must select at least one additional field in the Refine By section to use the All Records selection in the Search Criteria section.

Note: Refine of the Campus field does not count.

Field  Description
Campus Searches a specific campus or all campuses at the selected school. To find and select a campus:
  • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Campus menu.
  • Select a preferred campus or All to search all campuses.

Note: Default setting of All will search all campuses at the chosen school.

Student’s State of Residence Searches by U.S. state or territory of residence. 
  • To find and select a preferred state or territory:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the States menu.
    • Use the scroll bar to find the preferred state or territory.
    • Select the preferred state or territory.
  • To clear the chosen state: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the States menu.
    • Click Select One.
Date of Birth Searches by a birth date. The Date of Birth field parameters include:
  • Enter all dates in format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Search a specific birth date by entering it in the From field.
  • Search a range of birth dates by entering the earliest date in the From field and the latest date in the To field.
  • When completing the date fields, a red dotted line will surround the box. This indicates the entry is incomplete or in an incorrect format. When all boxes are filled correctly, the red lines will disappear. Roll mouse over partially completed fields for specific error message.     



Note: Entering a date only in the To field (without a date in the From field) returns an error message.

Program Start Date Range

Searches by a student’s program start date. The Program Begin Date Range field parameters include:
  • Enter all dates in format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Search a specific Program Start Date by entering it in the From Program Begin Date field.
  • Search a range of Program Begin Dates by entering the earliest date in the From field and the latest date in the To field. 
  • When completing the date fields, a red dotted line will surround the box. This indicates the entry is incomplete or in an incorrect format. When all boxes are filled correctly, the red lines will disappear. Roll mouse over partially completed fields for specific error message.

Note: Entering a date only in the To field (without a date in the From field) returns an error message. 

Program End Date Range Searches by a student’s program start date. The Program End Date Range field parameters include:
  • Enter all dates in format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Search a specific Program End Date by entering it in the From Program End Date field.
  • Search a range of Program End Dates by entering the earliest date in the From field and the latest date in the To field. 
  • When completing the date fields, a red dotted line will surround the box. This indicates the entry is incomplete or in an incorrect format. When all boxes are filled correctly, the red lines will disappear. Roll mouse over partially completed fields for specific error message.

Note: Entering a date only in the To field (without a date in the From field) returns an error message. 

Status Searches by a student’s SEVIS record status. 
  • Status field options include:
    • Active
    • Canceled
    • Completed
    • Deactivated
    • Initial
    • Terminated
  • To find and select the SEVIS Status:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Status menu.
    • Select up to three options by clicking the checkboxes.
  • To deselect any option, click the checked box.
Education Level

Searches by a student’s education level; field options include:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Associate
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Doctorate
  • Language Training
  • High School
  • Flight Training
  • Other Vocational School
  • Other

Searches by classification of instructional program (CIP) codes listed under any of a student’s Major fields. Will search for first and second majors.

Note: The Department of Education updates the CIP code list every 10 years.

  • When you do a search, all iterations of the CIP code will display; for example, years 2000, 2010 and 2020.
  • Click on any CIP code iteration and all records with that CIP code number will display in the search results.
Country of Birth Searches by the nonimmigrant’s country of birth. The Country of Birth field parameters include:
  • To find and select the country of birth:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Country menu.
    • Use the scroll bar to find the country of birth.
    • Select the country of birth.
  • To clear the chosen country of birth: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Country menu.
    • Click Select One.
Country of Citizenship Searches by the nonimmigrant’s country of citizenship. The Country of Citizenship field parameters include:
  • To find and select the country of citizenship:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Country menu.
    • Use the scroll bar to find the country of citizenship.
    • Select the country of citizenship.
  • To clear the chosen country of citizenship: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Country menu.
    • Click Select One.
Student Termination Reason Searches by the student’s termination reason on SEVIS record. 
  • Student Termination Reason field options include:
    • Absent from Country for Five months
    • Authorized Drop Below Full Course Time Exceeded
    • Authorized Early Withdrawal
    • Change of Nonimmigrant Classification
    • Change of Nonimmigrant Classification Denied
    • Change of Status Approved
    • Change of Status Denied
    • Change of Status Withdrawn
    • Costs Exceed Resources
    • Death
    • Denied Transfer
    • Expulsion
    • Extension Denied
    • Exceeded Unemployment Time
    • Failure to Enroll
    • Failure to Report While on OPT
    • Failure to Report While on OPT – System Termination
    • No-Show – Manual Termination
    • No-Show – System Termination
    • Otherwise Failing to Maintain Status
    • School Withdrawn
    • Suspension
    • Transfer Student No Show
    • Transfer Withdrawn
    • Unauthorized Drop Below Full Course
    • Unauthorized Employment
    • Unauthorized Withdrawal
    • Violation of Change of Status Requirements
  • To find and select the student’s termination reason:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Termination Reason menu.
    • Use the scroll bar to find the student’s termination reason.
    • Select the termination reason.
  • To clear the chosen student’s termination reason: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Termination Reason menu.
    • Click Select One.
Dependent Termination Reason

Searches by dependent’s termination reason on SEVIS record.
Note: You can only use this search, if you have selected to search 
F-2/M-2 Spouse/Dependents in the Advanced Search Include section.

  • Dependent Termination Reason field options include:
    • Child Over 21
    • Conviction of a Crime
    • Death
    • Divorce
    • Other
    • Principal Status Completed
    • Principal Status Terminated
    • Unauthorized Employment
  • To find and select the dependent’s termination reason:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Dependent Termination Reason menu.
    • Select the termination reason.
  • To clear the chosen dependent’s termination reason: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Dependent Termination Reason menu.
    • Click Select One.
Termination Date Range Searches by the date a SEVIS record is terminated. The Termination Date Range field parameters include:
Note: You can only use this search, if you have selected a Student Termination Reason.
  • Enter all dates in format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Search a specific Termination Date by entering it in the From Termination Date Range field.
  • Search a range of Termination Dates by entering the earliest date in the From field and the latest date in the To field. 
  • When completing the date fields, a red dotted line will surround the box. This indicates the entry is incomplete or in an incorrect format. When all boxes are filled correctly, the red lines will disappear. Roll mouse over partially completed fields for specific error message.

Note: Entering a date only in the To field (without a date in the From field) returns an error message.

Student Request Type Searches by a student’s United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) request type.
  • Student Request Type field options include:
    • Change of Status
    • Extension (M-1)
    • OPT
    • Off-Campus Employment
    • Reinstatement
    • Transfer (M-1)
  • To find and select the student’s request type:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Request Type menu.
    • Select the student’s request type.
  • To clear the chosen student’s request type: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Request Type menu.
    • Click Select One.
Student Request Status Searches by the current status of a student’s USCIS request status.
Note: You can only use this search, if you have chosen a Student Request Type.
  • Student Request Status field options include:
    • Approved
    • Cancelled
    • Denied
    • Pending
    • Requested
    • Withdrawn
  • To find and select the student’s request status:
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Request Status menu.
    • Select the student’s request status.
  • To clear the chosen student’s request status: 
    • Click the drop-down arrow to open the Student Request Status menu.
    • Click Select One.
Adjudication Date Range Searches by the student request’s date of approval or denial. The Adjudication Date Range field parameters include:
Note: You can only use this search, if you have chosen a Student Request Type.
  • Enter all dates in format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Search a specific Adjudication Date by entering it in the From Adjudication Date Range field.
  • Search a range of Adjudication Dates by entering the earliest date in the From field and the latest date in the To field. 
  • When completing the date fields, a red dotted line will surround the box. This indicates the entry is incomplete or in an incorrect format. When all boxes are filled correctly, the red lines will disappear. Roll mouse over partially completed fields for specific error message.

Note: Entering a date only in the To field (without a date in the From field) returns an error message.


Your search results display on the Students Search Results page, along with the criteria you used for your search. You can change how SEVIS displays your search results by:

  • Changing the number of records displayed on the page.
  • Sorting the results by column.
  • Moving to another page of the results.
  • Exporting the results for use outside of SEVIS.
Student Search Results

You can sort the Student Search Results table by the following columns:

  • Visa [type]
  • Surname/Primary Name
  • Given Name 
  • Date of Birth 
  • Program Start Date
  • Program End Date
  • Status
  • Date of Last Event
  • Education Level
  • Major 1 Description
  • Optional Practical Training
  • Curricular Practical Training

Review the information. Click one of the following links:

  • New Student Search: Returns you to an empty Search Students and Dependents page. 
  • Refine Search: Returns you to the Search Students and Dependents page displaying the search criteria you chose. This allows you to keep some of the criteria and change other criteria.  
  • Hyperlinked-name in the Surname/Primary Name column: Opens the Student Information page for that nonimmigrant. 

You can export your search results in the following formats:

  • Excel: Opens in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • CSV: Creates comma-separated values (CSV) for use in other software applications.
  • PDF: Opens in an Adobe Acrobat file.
  • Print: Prints the entire list.
  • Copy: Copies only the records displayed on the page to a clipboard for use in other software.
Icon - Negative consequence

The exported document is for official use only. It is intended specifically for the management of student records by DSOs. It contains personally identifiable information that must be safeguarded.

Icon - Pay attention to an important point

SEVIS will export only the records you have displayed on the page. Use the Show ## entries field to optimize the number of records displayed before exporting the list.

The exported results table includes the following fields:

  • Visa
  • School Code
  • Surname/Primary Name
  • Given Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Program Start Date
  • Program End Date
  • [SEVIS] Status
  • Date of Last Event
  • Education Level
  • Major 1 Code
  • Major 1 Description 
  • Optional Practical Training
  • Curricular Practical Training
  • Major 2 Code
  • Major 2 Description
  • Minor Code
  • Minor Description
  • School Name
  • Campus Name
  • Initial Session Start [Date]
  • Current Session Start [Date]
  • Current Session End [Date]
  • Next Session Start [Date]

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Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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