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Termination Reasons

Termination Reasons

Last updated: April 4, 2024

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Reason Use when...
Absent from Country for Five Months

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student is known to be outside the United States.
  • The student has been outside the United States for five months or longer.

Note: Do not use this reason for:

  • A leave of absence – use Authorized Early Withdrawal.
  • A student who fails to enroll after a break or vacation – use Failure to Enroll.

Authorized Drop Below Full Course Time Exceeded

Both of the following statements are true:

  • A reduced course load (RCL) was approved by the DSO for the student for the previous session.
  • The student did not enroll for a full course of study when the approved RCL period ended.
Authorized Early Withdrawal

The following statement is true:

  • A request to withdraw from a program of study was approved for the student by a DSO.

This reason is also used if:

  • The student will interrupt studies for the term.
  • The student cannot maintain enrollment at the school during the term.


  • F-1 students must leave the United States within 15 days of the termination date. This grace period does not apply to M-1 students, who must depart immediately.
  • Do not use this reason to terminate a student leaving the United States during a period of earned vacation. Instead, change the next session start date on the Registration page in SEVIS to reflect the next date the student is expected to enroll.
Change of Status Approved

The SEVIS record is in Active status and any of the following statements is true:

  • USCIS approved the student’s change of status out of F or M status.
  • USCIS approved the student’s adjustment of status to Permanent Residency.

Note: SEVIS will note this termination reason when the CLAIMS interface indicates USCIS approved  a student’s change of status or adjustment of status application.


Change of Status Denied

Students Changing to F or M Status: DSOs should not need to use this reason. Prospective F or M status students should not be registered in SEVIS until USCIS approves the change of status to F or M status. The student’s record should remain in Initial status until the adjudication is made.

Note: SEVIS will automatically terminate the nonimmigrant's SEVIS record for the reason above when the CLAIMS interface indicates a denial of the change of status. If it does not, terminate the record, use the reason, and explain what happened.

Students Changing from F or M Status to another: The SEVIS record is in Active status and all of the following statements are true:

  • The student applied for change out of F or M status.
  • USCIS denied the application to change status.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason when it auto-terminates a record because the USCIS denial was received through CLAIMS.

Change of Status Withdrawn

Students Changing to F or M Status: DSOs should not need to use this reason. Prospective F or M status students should not be registered in SEVIS until USCIS approves the change of status to F or M status. The student’s record should remain in Initial status until the adjudication is made.

Note: SEVIS will automatically terminate the nonimmigrant's SEVIS record for the reason above when the CLAIMS interface indicates a withdrawal. If it does not, terminate the record, use this reason, and explain what happened.

Students Changing from F or M Status: The SEVIS record is in Active status and all of the following statements are true:

  • The student applied for change from F or M to another nonimmigrant status.
  • The application for the change of status was withdrawn by the student.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason when it auto-terminates a record because the USCIS withdrawal was received through CLAIMS.


The student died.

Note: Do not use this reason if anyone else in the student's family died.

Denied Transfer

All of the following statements are true:

  • The student is an M-1 student.
  • The student's SEVIS record indicates a request to transfer.
  • The student filed Form I-539 with USCIS for approval to transfer to new school.
  • USCIS denied the Form I-539 approval to transfer.
  • The program end-date at the old (transfer-out) school is in the past or the student began studying at the new (transfer-in) school.
  • The SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason when it auto-terminates a record because the USCIS denial is received through the CLAIMS interface.

Expulsion The student was expelled from his or her current program of study.
Extension Denied

All of the following statements are true:

  • The student is in M-1 status.
  • The student's SEVIS record indicates an extension request.
  • The student filed Form I-539 with USCIS for approval to extend the program of study.
  • USCIS denied the Form I-539 request  to extend the program of study.
  • The program end-date is in the past.
  • The SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason when it auto-terminates a record because the USCIS denial is received through CLAIMS.

Failure to Enroll

All of the following statements are true:

  • The student is an initial or continuing student.
  • The SEVIS record is in initial or active status.
  • The student is not in a period of earned vacation.
  • The student fails to enroll in a full course of study the next session the student is expected.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason to terminate a student’s record if:

  • The DSO has not registered the student in SEVIS for the term, and
  • The date is 90 days after the Next Session Start Date.

Do not use this reason if a student cannot enroll because:

  • The student is suspended – use Suspension.
  • The student is expelled – use Expulsion.
  • The student requested an Authorized Withdrawal for that session - use Authorized Early Withdrawal.
Failure to Report While on OPT

The following statements are true:

  • The student's SEVIS record is Active
  • The student is in a period of approved 24-month OPT extension.
  • The student has not filed the validation report with the DSO (required at 6, 12 and 18 months).
No Show – Manual Termination

All of the following statements are true:

  • The student's SEVIS record is in Initial status.
  • The student is not a Transfer student.
  • The SEVIS record shows the student entered the United States.
  • The student did not report to the school by the program start date.

Note: Do not use this reason if a student is a transfer student – use Transfer Student No Show.

Otherwise Failing to Maintain Status

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student has not maintained status.
  • None of the other terminations reasons applies.

Note: Clearly explain how the student failed to maintain status in the Remarks field on the Terminate Student page.

School Withdrawn DSOs should NEVER use this reason. SEVIS notes this reason when it auto‑terminates student records because a school loses SEVP certification and is withdrawn from SEVP.
Suspension The student is suspended from school and can no longer maintain a full course of study.
Transfer Student No Show

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student transferred from another school.
  • The student failed to report to the transfer-in school as required by the program start date.

Note: SEVIS also notes this termination reason when it auto-terminates a transfer student's SEVIS record because:

  • A DSO has not registered the student in SEVIS for the term, and
  • The date is 60 days after the program start date.
Transfer Withdrawn

All of the following statements are true:

  • The student is an M-1 student.
  • The student's SEVIS record indicates a transfer request.
  • The student filed Form I-539 with USCIS for approval to transfer to a new school.
  • The student withdrew his or her request to transfer with USCIS.
  • The program end date at the transfer out school is in the past.
  • The student's SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: SEVIS will note this reason when it auto-terminates a record because the withdrawal is received from USCIS through CLAIMS.

Unauthorized Drop Below Full Course

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student is not currently enrolled in a full course of study.
  • A reduced course load was not approved by the DSO in advance.
Unauthorized Employment

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The DSO has evidence the student is or was employed.
  • The DSO knows the student does or did not have work permission for all or part of that employment.
Unauthorized Withdrawal

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student withdrew from school or stopped attending classes in the middle of a term.
  • The student did not get prior DSO approval for the withdrawal from his or her program of study.
Violation of Change of Status Requirements

Both of the following statements are true:

  • USCIS approved a student’s change of status from B-1, B-2, or F-2 or M-2 to F-1 or M-1 status.
  • The student began his or her full course of study before the change of status was approved by USCIS.

Reason Use when...
Child over 21

All of the following statements are true:

  • The dependent is a child of a student.
  • The dependent is 21 years old.
  • The dependent's SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: DSOs should not need to use this reason. SEVIS should automatically terminate these records on the dependent's 21 birthday. If it does not, use this reason to terminate the record.


The dependent died.

Note: Do not use this reason if anyone else in the family died.


Both of the following statements are true:

  • The dependent is the spouse of a student.
  • The student and the spouse are divorced.

Use this option, if the correct termination reason is not in the drop-down list.

Note: If you select Other, you must enter an explanation in the text box provided.

Principal Status Completed

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The dependent’s record is related to a student whose SEVIS record is in Completed status.
  • The dependent's SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: SEVIS automatically terminates dependent SEVIS records for this reason when the student’s SEVIS record changes to Completed. 

Principal Status Terminated

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The student’s SEVIS record is in Terminated status.
  • The dependent’s SEVIS record is in Active status.

Note: SEVIS automatically terminates dependent SEVIS records for this reason when the student's SEVIS record changes to Terminated. 

Status changed due to J-1 Change of Status DSOs should NEVER use this reason. This termination reasons is for dependents of J-1 status holders, not for those in F or M status.
Unauthorized Employment

Both of the following statements are true:

  • The DSO has reliable evidence the dependent is or was employed.
  • The DSO knows the dependent does not or did not have any form of work permission.

Reason Use when...
Exceeded Unemployment Time – DHS Official

A SEVIS adjudicator may note this termination when the following apply:

  • The student’s SEVIS record is Active.

  • The student is in the first 12 months of approved post-completion OPT and has accrued more than 90 days of unemployment.

  • The student is in the additional 24-month OPT extension has accrued more than 150 days of unemployment during the total period of post-completion OPT.

Failure to Comply with I-515A – DHS Official A SEVIS adjudicator may note this termination when the student or dependent did not submit required I-515A paperwork by the deadline.
Change of Status Approved – System Termination The SEVIS record is in Active status and both of the statements are true:
  • USCIS approved the student’s change of status out of F or M status.
  • The new status start date is before the student’s SEVIS program end date.
Note: SEVIS will auto complete the active record for Change of Status Approved if the benefit start date is on or after the student’s SEVIS program end date.
Failure to Report While on OPT – System Termination

SEVIS notes this termination reason if the following apply:

  • The student‘s SEVIS record is Active.

  • The student is in a period of approved 24-month OPT extension.

  • The DSO has not updated SEVIS to reflect the student submitted the required validation report.

  • The date is 32 days after the DSO’s deadline to report those students who validated their information.

No Show-System Termination

SEVIS notes this termination reason if all the following statements are true:

  • The student’s SEVIS record is in Initial status.
  • The student is not a Transfer student.
  • The SEVIS record shows the student entered the United States.
  • The DSO did not register the student in SEVIS.
  • The date is 60 days past the program start date.
Violation of Change of Status Requirements – System Termination

SEVIS notes this termination reason if the following apply:

  • The student‘s SEVIS record is Active.

  • USCIS sends the change of status approval to F-1 or M-1 to SEVIS via CLAIMS.

Change of Status Approved – System Termination

The SEVIS record is in Active status and both statements are true:

  • USCIS approved the student’s change of status out of F or M status.
  • The new status start date is before the student’s SEVIS program end date.

Note: SEVIS will auto-complete the active record to Change of Status Approved, if the benefit start date is on or after the student’s SEVIS program end date.

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Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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