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School History


School History

Last updated: May 31, 2020

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SEVIS provides an Event History page for users to view the changes made by a school since its adjudication and to view a history of changes made to the school’s Form I-17, Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student.

To view a school’s Event History in SEVIS:

1. Navigate to the Listing of Schools page.

School History 1

2. Click the drop-down arrow on the Select a school to see a list of campuses for that school field and select a school. The selected school name displays as a hyperlink below the drop-down menu.

3. Click the hyperlinked school name. The School Information page opens with the name of the school as the title.

School History 2

4. Under Views, click View Event History. The Event History page for the school opens. The Event History page contains:

Event History Page
  • Search field.
  • Date range filter.
  • Event table with three columns:
    • Event Date: Date the action occurred.
    • Event Name: Name of the action taken on the school record.
    • Performed By: Name of the designated school official (DSO) or government user title that completed the action.

5. Click the Plus icon on a Form I-17 row to view more information.

School History
Icon- additional information is available

When a Form I-17 change is expanded, three sub-columns display:

  • Field Changed: Displays the School Event History field that was changed.
  • Old Value: Displays the value before a Form I-17 change.

Note: Events occurring before the SEVIS Release 6.32 will not have a detailed history.

  • New Value: Displays the value after the Form I-17 change.

To view and manipulate the school’s event data:

School’s event data page
  • Click the numbers located above or below the table to access more event pages.

Note: By default, ten events appear on each page of the table.

  • To change the number of events displayed on a page:
    • Click the Show Entries drop-down arrow above the table.
    • Select the desired amount of entries. The choices are 10, 25, 50, and All entries.
  • Enter a value in the Search field to locate specific event data.

Note: Searching by any word or number found in the Event History table filters the list of events automatically.

  • To filter event data with a specific date range:
    • Enter dates in the From and To fields.
    • Click Filter.
    • Click Clear to remove dates.
  • Click Expand All or Collapse All icons to display all or minimize event data fields.
    • Plus icon expands the window to display additional data.
    • Minus icon collapses the window. 

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Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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