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Add Dependent


Add Dependent

Last updated: March 7, 2023

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After the designated school official (DSO) submits a student’s Form I-20, and then the student wishes to add a dependent later, the DSO uses the Add Dependent page to enter the dependent into the student record. The student must be in Initial or Active status.

The Add Dependent page is also used to collect information regarding the dependent spouse or children of a student.

To add a dependent to a student’s SEVIS record:

  1. Go to the Student Information page.
the Student Information page

2. Click Edit to the right of the Dependents label on the Form I-20. The Dependents page opens.

The Dependents page

3. Click Add Dependent. The Add Dependent page opens.

Add Dependent page pt 1.
Add Dependent page pt 2.

This page displays the student record information and allows DSOs to enter data for a new dependent.

4. Enter information about the dependent:




  • Select the radio button for either Spouse or Child. A dependent child must be younger than 21 years of age.
  • This is a required field.

Surname / Primary Name*

  • Enter the surname or primary name of the dependent. If the student has only one name, enter it here.
  • Do not use any special characters.
  • This field has an 80-character limit.
  • This is a required field.
  • See the section on SEVIS Names Standards for detailed names information.

Given Name

  • Use this field for names other than the Surname/Primary names, such as first and middle names. If the person has only one name, leave this field blank.
  • This field has an 80-character limit.
  • See the section on SEVIS Names Standards for detailed names information.


  • If appropriate, select a title from the drop-down list, such as Junior. The suffix will display at the end of a person’s name.

Passport Name

  • Passport Name is optional but highly recommended.
  • Enter the name(s) found in the machine readable zone of the passport, exactly in the order shown on the passport but leaving out the separator "<" character.
  • This field has a 39-character limit.
  • See the section on SEVIS Names Standards for detailed names information.

Preferred Name

  • This field allows names to be written in the order preferred in the person's home country.
  • This field has a 180-character limit.
  • Certain special characters are allowed.
  • If a Preferred Name is not entered, SEVIS will automatically enter the given name, surname/primary name, and a suffix, if applicable.
  • See the section on SEVIS Names Standards for detailed names information.

Email Address

  • Enter an electronic mail (email) address for the dependent.
  • This field is optional.
  • See the section on SEVIS Email Standards for detailed email address information.
U.S. Telephone
  • Enter the area code and the phone number, if the dependent uses a U.S. telephone number.
  • This field is optional.
U.S. Physical Address
  • Click Add Address to enter a U.S. address for the dependent, if they have one.
  • U.S addresses are subject to validation.
  • See the SEVIS Help Hub article on SEVIS Address Standards for detailed information.
U.S. Mailing Address
  • Click Add Mailing Address to enter a mailing address for the dependent, if they have one.
  • U.S addresses are subject to validation.
  • If the U.S. Mailing Address is the same as the U.S. Physical Address, click the Same as Physical Address checkbox to use the U.S. Physical Address.

Birth Date*

  • Enter the dependent’s date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • This is a required field.

Country of Birth*

  • Select the name of the country from the drop-down list in which the dependent was born.
  • This is a required field.

Country of Citizenship*

  • Select the name of the country from the drop-down list in which the dependent maintains citizenship.
  • This is a required field
City of Birth
  • Enter the full name of the city where the dependent was born.


  • Click the dependent’s gender radio button: Female, Male, or Unknown.
  • This is a required field

5. Click one of the following:

  • Back: Returns to the Dependents page.
  • Add Dependent: Adds this dependent to the student’s record. The Dependents page opens.
The Dependents page with Add Dependent Successful Circled

A message displays indicating that the adding of the dependent was successful. The dependent is now listed on the page.

6. Click Return to return to the Student Information page.

Icon - Pay attention to an important point
Icon - Regulatory or policy resources
Icon- best practice
  • Do not forget to print the dependent’s Form I-20.
  • Students or dependents are expected to keep all Forms I-20 issued during the student’s academic career.
  • When information on the Form I-20 changes, it is best to give a new copy to the student or dependent.
  • Find more information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP’s policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20.

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While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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