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Form I-17 Petition Update - Submit


Form I-17 Petition Update - Submit

Last updated: August 25, 2023

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School officials must update their institution’s Form I-17, Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Students, when information on the petition changes or does not reflect the institution’s current operating status.

After entering the updated information for the school’s Form I-17, the principal designated school officials (PDSOs) are required to submit the update for the school’s Form I-17 within 21 days of the change. Only the PDSO is authorized to submit Form I‑17 changes to SEVP.

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Regulations and policy guidance:

  • 8 CFR 214.3 (g)
  • 8 CFR 214.3 (a)(1)
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Resources providing detailed guidance on petition updates and adjudication:

To submit the Form I-17 update after adding, editing, or deleting school information:

1. Enter the Form I-17 school information updates, as instructed in SEVIS Help Hub articles:​​​​​​

2. After clicking Submit to update the change, as directed in the Form I-17 Petition Update instructions, the Edit School Information (Form I-17) page opens.

Edit School Information (Form I-17) page for Petition Update Submit Page with View Edits, Password, Print, and Continue highlighted
  1. Click View Edits to verify all information is accurate.
  2. If a signed Form I-17 is required, click Print Petition at the bottom of this page and collect the required signatures.
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Per DHS interim final rule, Removal of Obsolete Procedures and Requirements Related to F, J, and M Nonimmigrants (87 FR 75891), schools can submit an electronically signed Form I-17 with either: 

  • A digitally reproduced copy of a wet signature. 
  • A signature generated by electronic signature software. 

DSOs may also continue to scan a Form I-17 that contains an original wet signature and submit the form electronically. 

  1. If any supporting documentation is required for your Form I-17 petition update, ensure you are ready to upload all documentation before you do anything else:
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Prepare individual PDFs for each document you will upload. Do not combine documents into one large PDF.

6. When all signatures and supporting documentation are gathered:

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If necessary to return to the Edit School Information (Form I 17) page, first click the Update School Information (Form I-17) link and then click Submit in the left Navigation pane.

a. Click PDSO Attestation checkbox, “This attestation allows an electronic signature. Read the attestation. Check the box and re-enter your SEVIS password.”

b. Enter your SEVIS password.

c. Click Continue only when you are ready to submit the petition along with ALL required supporting evidence. The Upload Evidence: Form I-17 page opens.

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The Upload Evidence: Form I-17 page only opens when SEVP requires supporting documentation.

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Once you complete the PDSO Attestation and click the Continue button, SEVIS:

  • Locks the petition.
  • Removes the Print button. You are no longer able to print the updated Form I-17 for signatures.

If you clicked the Continue button, but still need to print the Form I-17 to collect signatures or still need to collect supporting documents, you must cancel the petition and re-enter the update, so you can print the form.

7. Upload all required evidence to SEVP to complete the Form I-17 Petition Update submission.

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For information about uploading evidence, read the Form I-17: Upload Evidence article on the SEVIS Help Hub.

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After the PDSO submits the Form I-17 for update:

  • If the changes require adjudication, the Form I-17 will be locked until the adjudicated changes have been either approved or denied.
  • If the changes do not require adjudication, the changes will appear immediately, and the Form I-17 remains unlocked for continued updates.

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