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Terminate or Reactivate a Dependent Record


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Terminate or Reactivate a Dependent Record

Last updated: March 17, 2023

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The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) automatically takes the same action on any associated F-2/M-2 dependent records when the primary student record is terminated or completed. In SEVIS, the status of a dependent record follows the status of the F-1 or M-1 student. When the student record changes from one status to another, such as from “Active” to “Terminated” status, so too does the dependent’s record. However, the designated school official (DSO) can terminate or reactivate a dependent’s SEVIS record independently from the primary’s SEVIS record.

Icon - Negative consequence

When a dependent is terminated in SEVIS, it means that dependent is no longer eligible for F-2 or M-2 status.

Dependent records can be terminated three ways:

  • SEVIS auto-terminates the record when the student’s F-1 or M-1 record is terminated.
  • SEVIS auto-terminates when a child turns 21 years old.
  • DSO manually terminates the record separately from the primary F-1 student.
Icon- additional information is available

For detailed information on terminating a student, see the SEVIS Help Hub articles:

Icon - Negative consequence

When a SEVIS dependent record is terminated:

  • Dependent cannot re-enter the United States on the terminated SEVIS record.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents may investigate to confirm the departure of the dependent.
  • Grace period regulations for F-1/M-1 primary students may apply to dependents.
Icon- additional information is available

For more information, see the SEVIS Help Hub article Terminate a Student.

Depending on the termination reason, there may be a grace period during which a student and/or dependents must depart the United States. Only primaries are eligible to apply for reinstatement.

Termination Reason Duration of S tatus
Termination for any violation of status

No grace period.

  • If the student is terminated and the student and/or any dependents are still in the United States, the student must apply for reinstatement, or student and/or dependents must leave the United States immediately.
  • If the dependent is terminated independently of the student, the dependent must leave the United States immediately.
Authorized Early Withdrawal

Only the primary student can be terminated with an Authorized Early Withdrawal. Student and/or any accompanying dependents must leave the United States within 15 days of termination date.

Important Note: This grace period only applies to F-1 students and their dependents. It does not apply to M-1/M-2 students and dependents.

Change of Status Approved
  • Dependent F-2/M-2 status ends and dependent enters newly authorized status.
  • Dependent must follow the authorized stay requirements of the new immigration status.
Icon - Regulatory or policy resources

Preparation for Departure 8 CFR 214.2(f)(5)(iv)

To manually terminate or reactivate a dependent’s record in SEVIS:

1. Go to the Student Information page.

Student Information Page with Dependents Edit button call out

2. Click Edit in the Dependents section. The Dependents page opens.

Dependents page with Terminate call out

3. Click Terminate in the Commands column for the appropriate dependent. The Terminate Dependent page opens.

Terminate Dependent page for entering the Termination Reason.

4. Select a reason from the Termination Reason drop-down list:

  • Child Over 21: Dependent child is over 21 years old.
  • Death: Dependent died.
  • Divorce: Primary student is divorced from dependent.
  • Other: Use this option if the correct termination reason is not in the drop-down list.
Icon - Pay attention to an important point

 If you select Other, you must enter an explanation in the text box provided.

  • Principal Status Completed: Primary student record is completed.
  • Principal Status Terminated: Primary student record is terminated.
  • Unauthorized Employment: Dependent’s employment is unauthorized.

5. Click one of the following:

  • Cancel: Cancels the termination action and returns to the Student Information page.
  • Reset Values: Clears all fields on the page.
  • Terminate Dependent:
    • Terminates the dependent’s record. An Update Successful page opens with the message that expenses for this dependent must be updated in the student's financial information.
Update Successful page after dependent terminated. Return to View Record button highlighted.

Click Return to View Record. The Student Information page opens.

To update the Expenses for Dependents field on the student's Financial Information page.

1. Go to the Student Information page.

Student Information page after dependent is Terminated with Edit button called out in Financial section.

2. Click Edit in the Financial section. The Update Financial Information page opens

Update Financial Information with Expenses for dependents called out.

3. Update the Expenses for Dependents field.

4. Click one of the following:

  • Print Draft I-20: Prints a draft Form I-20 for the student and any remaining dependents, if any, before the expenses are updated.
  • Cancel: Cancels the update and opens the Student Information page.
  • Update: Updates the student’s financial information. An Update Successful page opens.
Update Successful
  • Click Print I-20. Prints a Form I-20 for the student and any remaining dependents, if any, with the updated expenses.
Icon- best practice
Icon - Regulatory or policy resources
  • Students or dependents are expected to keep all Forms I-20 issued during the student’s academic career.
  • When information on the Form I-20 changes, it is best to give a new copy to the student or dependent.
  • Find information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP’s policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20.
  • Click Return to View Record. The Student Information page opens.

There are several ways to reactivate the SEVIS status for a terminated dependent:

  • DSOs can manually reactivate a dependent record, if the primary student record is active.
  • SEVIS automatically reactivates the dependent record when the student record is reinstated, assuming both:
    • The dependent’s record terminated when the student’s record terminated.
    • The student applied for reinstatement.
Icon - Pay attention to an important point

For the automatic reactivation, the dependent must be included in the student’s reinstatement paperwork—that is, listed as a dependent who needs reinstatement to Active status too. If the dependent is left off the reinstatement paperwork, that dependent would not be automatically reactivated, if the reinstatement is approved.

Icon- additional information is available

For more information on managing a terminated student’s SEVIS record, see the SEVIS Help Hub article Terminate a Student.

  • Possible data fix, if the other two options are not available and the record should be active.

To manually reactivate a dependent in SEVIS:

1. Go to the Student Information page.

Student Information Page with Dependents Edit button call out  Student Information Page with Dependents Edit button call out

2. Click Edit in the Dependents section. The Dependents page opens

Dependents page with Reactivate link highlighted

3. Click Reactivate for the desired dependent. The Reactivate Dependents page opens

Reactivate Dependent page

4. Click one of the following:

  • Cancel: Cancels the reactivation action and returns to the Student Information page.
  • Reactivate Dependent:
    • Reactivates the terminated dependent. An Update Successful page opens with the message that expenses for this dependent must be updated in the student's financial information.
Update successful page
  • Click Print I-20. Prints a Form I-20 for the reactivated dependent.
  • Click Return to View Record. The Student Information page opens.
Icon - Pay attention to an important point
  • Update student financials after reactivating a dependent.
  • See the Update Financial Information for Dependent section earlier in this article for guidance on updating the dependent’s expenses in the student’s Financial Information page.

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While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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