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SEVIS Release 6.37 Planning Guide


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SEVIS Release 6.37 Planning Guide

Last updated: March 10, 2020

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Scheduled Release Date: January 26, 2018




Change to date range for DSO access to STEM OPT validation reports Yes No No
DSO ability to report receipt of 12- and 24-month self-evaluations from STEM OPT students Yes No No
  • Change to date range when DSOs can access the Report OPT Participation page
    • SEVIS will display the link to access the Report OPT Participation page 30 days before the reporting deadline.
    • SEVIS will continue to display the link for 31 days after the deadline

Note: this timeframe applies to reporting both the 6-month periodic validation reports and self-evaluations.

  • Report receipt of 12-month and 24-month STEM OPT Self Evaluation - To accommodate the 12- and 24-month evaluation due date, on the Report OPT Participation page, SEVIS will display a second checkbox that allows DSOs to indicate receipt of the self-evaluation from students on STEM OPT. 


Report OPT Participation page

SEVIS will display the event in the student’s event history as either “STEM OPT 12-month Participation Reported” or “STEM OPT 24-month Participation Reported.”

  • SEVIS Release 6.37 Planning Guide (Resource outdated)
  • Revision to F-1 OPT – STEM Extension User Guide (Resource outdated)

Note: These links have been disabled, the most recent versions of this article can be found on the F/M Student Employment page on the Help Hub.

Outage Begins Outage Scheduled to End
Friday January 26, 2018 at 8:00 PM (ET)  Friday January 26, 2018 at 11:59 PM (ET)

Currently, SEVP expects the outage to last four hours (approximately). 

Schools and sponsors that use third-party software to push data to SEVIS must plan their batch uploads carefully.

Critical Date/Time What Happens
Friday January 26, 2018 at 8:00 PM (ET) to 11:59 PM (ET) SEVIS is unavailable for batch uploads.


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No warnings issued at this time.

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Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

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