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DSO visits new resource page

DSOs: Visit the New Maintaining Accurate SEVIS Records Page

December 6, 2018

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program’s (SEVP) latest resource page on Maintaining Accurate SEVIS Records is now available.

As a designated school official (DSO), you are required by federal law to update and maintain student records for your F and M students in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). Maintaining accurate SEVIS records is an important step in ensuring national security, as SEVP and U.S. government partners use this student data to monitor F and M students’ (and their dependents’) legal status.

This new resource page offers an extensive outline of DSO's record keeping and reporting requirements in SEVIS for both F and M students and SEVP-certified schools, while also providing links to additional resources on the SEVIS Help Hub.

This resource page features information on how to:

For school record keeping requirements in SEVIS, learn how to make changes to your School Information page, learn more about site visits and on-site reviews and SEVIS annual verification

For more detailed information on maintaining accurate SEVIS records and access to these helpful resources, visit the new Maintaining Accurate SEVIS Records page.

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