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DSOs: Download this New Resource on Correction Requests

March 28, 2023

School officials must maintain accurate student records and address all errors in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) immediately. Inaccurate SEVIS data can impact a student’s:

  • SEVIS record status,
  • Eligibility for benefits,
  • Application for an F-1/M-1 visa,
  • Application for admission to a program, or
  • Application to enter the United States.

If you make an error or fail to properly update a student’s record, and you cannot change the information in the data field yourself, you have several options to correct SEVIS data. While some data can be corrected directly by designated school officials DSOs or principal designated school officials (PDSOs), some updates may only be completed by a PDSO or by the SEVP Response Center through a SEVIS data fix. This new resource also outlines when a correction request is eligible for expedited processing and how to use the Upload Evidence functionality when submitting a correction request.

Download the new, free Correction Requests 101 infographic in the Resource Library.

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