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Students and DSOs: Check Out These SEVP Portal Resources

April 5, 2018

Study in the States has several free resources to help international students and designated school officials (DSOs) understand the SEVP Portal.

The SEVP Portal, which launched on March 23, 2018, is a tool for F-1 students on postcompletion optional practical training (OPT), including the science, technology, engineering and mathematics OPT extension, and M-1 students on practical training. The portal allows these students to report their personal and employer information directly to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).

Using Study in the States resources for the SEVP Portal, students and DSOs can learn about the portal, the steps to create a portal account, tips to navigate the portal and information about the portal’s interface with the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

To learn more about the eligibility requirements and benefits of using the SEVP Portal, visit the following resources:

The Study in the States blog also provides information about the SEVP Portal. To learn more about the portal, read: 

Want to stay up to date on news about the SEVP Portal? Remember to always check the Study in the States blog for updates about the portal and to learn about other resources on Study in the States.

Related Tags: SEVP Portal, Training, Resources

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