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Getting Started with SEVP Recertification

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified schools must go through the recertification process every two years to ensure school officials are following regulations when enrolling F and M students. The SEVP recertification filing fee is $1,250. For detailed instructions on how to pay the fee, please see the Form I-17 - Pay Fees page on the SEVIS Help Hub. 

As of the July 2017 SEVIS 6.35 Release, schools may now submit non-substantial edits to the Form I-17, “Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student,” and must upload any required evidence while submitting the recertification petition. Substantial edits such as a change of ownership, a change of location or the addition of a location must still be submitted as an update prior to submitting for recertification.

For example, this means a school may submit the recertification petition with a request to add a program of study to the Form I-17. In these circumstances, SEVP will adjudicate both the school’s eligibility for recertification and approval for the new program of study at the same time. However, the school would not be allowed to enroll new students into the requested program of study until adjudication is complete and an approval is granted for the new program. In addition to the information explained on this page, please review the Recertification Checklist (PDF) in the Schools section of and the Form I-17 – Recertification article on SEVIS Help Hub to assist you in completing the recertification process.

About Recertification


How to Submit for Recertification



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