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The number of international students enrolling in post-graduate business schools in the United States is rapidly growing and there’s been many studies to support this.According to Businessweek, the average international student enrollment in the top 20 full-time U.S. MBA programs “is…
With the conclusion of U.S. military activity in Iraq, the Department of State and the Iraqi government are joining forces in an effort to attract more Iraqi students to study at universities in the United States.  USA Today reports that the Iraqi government “will fund scholarships…
 International student entrepreneurs and innovators have been a frequent topic of conversation on Capitol Hill lately in connection with two recent pieces of jobs-creation legislation. The newest, proposed on December 18, 2011, by Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado), would create a new long-…
In light of government investigations into fraudulent institutions, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the Department of State, Adam Ereli, spoke at a the Washington Foreign Press Center recently where he addressed the issue of fraudulent universities.…