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The road in the desert.

International Students Find Driving in the United States Less Difficult

March 22, 2012

A story published in The Purdue Exponent, an independent student newspaper at Purdue University, says that international students find obtaining a license and driving in the United States less difficult than in other countries.

According to The Exponent, students believe drivers respect the rules of the road more, and the rules are better monitored in the United States. Ashwin Rai, a Purdue University graduate student, said, “Organized chaos is the best way to describe Indian driving. The main difference (between the U.S. and India) is people follow the rules here.”

Another Purdue University graduate student quoted in the article, Adarsh Elango, believes information is easier to obtain and understand in the United States. “You never have such detailed driving manuals in India; you just get behind the wheel and drive,” he said.

The rules for applying for a driver’s license vary in each state. An F or M nonimmigrant student is eligible only while on active student status and able to provide proper documentation to the Department of Motor Vehicles (each state may have a different name for this office) in that state. A student interested in obtaining a license while studying in the United States can visit the Driving in the United States page or talk to the designated school official, who can provide additional support throughout the process.


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