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Learn How to Upload Evidence in SEVIS

January 18, 2018

Study in the States added two new SEVIS Help Hub pages for school officials to learn how to successfully upload evidence into the Student and Exchange Visitor System (SEVIS). 

The new SEVIS Help Hub pages are:

  • Form I-17: Upload Evidence User Guide: describes the process for uploading supporting evidence for the initial Form I-17, “Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student,” petition updates, recertification and request for evidence responses.
  • Upload Evidence for Correction Requests: describes the process for uploading any necessary evidence the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) may need to adjudicate a correction request for a student’s SEVIS record.

As a reminder, after March 8, 2018, SEVP will only accept evidence for Forms I-17 and correction requests using this upload evidence functionality in SEVIS. If a school official fails to upload the necessary evidence via SEVIS after March 8, SEVP will cancel the school’s request.

SEVP also updated the Schools sections of and Study in the States as well as the School Certification section and the Corrections and Correction Requests section of the SEVIS Help Hub to reflect this process change.

For more information about uploading evidence into SEVIS, watch the recording of the SEVIS Upload Evidence Webinar.

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