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A designated school official sits at a desk and reads about SEVIS record termination reasons

DSOs: Learn More about SEVIS Termination Reasons

January 25, 2018

Although failure to maintain student status is a common reason for terminating an F or M student or dependent’s Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record, there are several reasons for termination. Designated school officials can find a complete list of termination reasons and information about when to use these reasons by visiting the Termination Reasons page on the SEVIS Help Hub.

To avoid creating hardships for students, it is important to follow all criteria for a termination reason to ensure you use the correct one.

Choosing an incorrect termination reason for a student or dependent’s SEVIS record requires a correction request to change the status of a termination reason. However, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) must approve this type of correction request.

As a reminder, when a SEVIS record is terminated:

  • The student must leave the United States, file for reinstatement or take another action to remain in status.
  • The student loses all on- and/or off-campus employment authorization.
  • The student cannot re-enter the United States on a terminated SEVIS record.
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents may investigate to confirm the departure of the student.
  • Any associated F-2 or M-2 dependent records are also terminated.

Do you still have questions about which termination reason to use for a student or dependent’s SEVIS record? Download the Termination Reasons for DSOs one-pager or contact the SEVP Response Center.

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