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As previously reported on Study in the States, there are opportunities for international students to become members of amateur athletic teams at U.S. colleges and universities. As with all international students, it is important to maintain visa status while in the United States.  Here are the…
While the amount of available financial aid varies by institution, aid is available for international students in the United States who put in the effort to obtain it, according to U.S. News & World Report.The article reports that Eric Furda, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania…
Every January, thousands of international students come back into the United States from holiday trips abroad. Unfortunately, many students forget to bring all the necessary paperwork with them to get through customs.If this happens to you, Customs and Border Protection officials may issue you…
The number of international students enrolling in post-graduate business schools in the United States is rapidly growing and there’s been many studies to support this.According to Businessweek, the average international student enrollment in the top 20 full-time U.S. MBA programs “is…