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Annual Verification

DSOs: Complete Annual Verification in SEVIS

November 12, 2020

General Information

The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires an annual verification that all users who access a federal system have both the business need and the authorization to access the system. To comply with FISMA, principal designated school officials (PDSOs) and responsible officers (ROs) must annually verify that all PDSOs, designated school officials (DSOs), ROs and alternate responsible officers (AROs) who have access to the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS):

  1. Are still employed by the organization.
  2. Continue to be the selected PDSO, DSO, RO or ARO.
  3. Require continued access to SEVIS.

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) will conduct the next annual verification beginning Dec. 2, 2020 and ending March 2, 2021. PDSOs and ROs will have 90 days to review and provide verification for all their officials.

In 30 days, SEVP will email the supervisor listed in your SEVIS profile to start the annual verification process. Your supervisor will have until March 2, 2021 to confirm your continued need for SEVIS access. You will lose SEVIS access if your supervisor does not complete the verification for you.

Completing Annual Verification

  1. Log in to SEVIS.
  2. Click Profile in the top right corner of your SEVIS page.
  3. Review your supervisor's information.
  4. Update information if needed and Submit Profile.

Missing PDSO or RO

If your institution does not have a PDSO or RO, or your PDSO or RO will not be available during the verification period, please begin the process of selecting another individual to act in the capacity of a PDSO or RO.

For instructions, refer to:

If you have questions or concerns about the annual verification process, contact the SEVP Response Center.

Related Tags: Resources, SEVP

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