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DSOs: Watch the Recording of the Winter 2019 SEVP InFocus Webinar

December 19, 2019

Note: SETA will sunset on Sept. 25, 2023, for a redesign and relaunch. Refer to Study in the States for alternative resources and ongoing updates.

During the SEVP InFocus Webinar on Dec. 11, 2019, Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) representatives shared the latest program news and updates impacting SEVP-certified schools and international students. Three SEVP field representatives also joined the presentation to offer insights from the field.

The webinar covered:

  • The new SEVP External Training Application (SETA)
  • New Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)-related updates
  • New SEVP policy guidance
  • Helpful tips for winter travel
  • Additional programmatic updates

The InFocus webinar recording is available on the Webinars page on Study in the States, along with the webinar presentation, glossary and appendix.

Please contact your assigned SEVP field representative if you have questions about the topics covered during the webinar.

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