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Students: SEVP Portal Upgrades to Release 1.10

October 15, 2019

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Portal recently upgraded to Release 1.10, which changes how long students can access the SEVP Portal after their optional practical training (OPT) authorization ends. You will now only be able to access your SEVP Portal account for six months after the end of your OPT authorization.

When your OPT authorization ends, you will receive an email notifying you that your portal access will end six months after your OPT end date.

If you are five months or more beyond your OPT end date you will receive two emails notifying you that:

  • your portal access will end in 30 days.
  • your portal access has ended.

In preparation for account closure, SEVP strongly encourages you to print or save a copy of your portal record for future reference, including your Event History. This release does not affect designated school officials’ access to a student’s record in SEVIS.

For more information on this release and upcoming releases, visit the SEVP Portal Enhancements page on the SEVP Portal Help section of Study in the States. To view a copy of the emails you will receive, read the SEVP Portal Email Notices to Students.

Related Tags: SEVP Portal, Resources, OPT

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