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Recap 2018 in the December Edition of SEVP Spotlight

December 18, 2018

As 2018 ends, Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) Director Rachel Canty highlights the program's achievements throughout the year in the December 2018 edition of SEVP Spotlight.

Director Canty recalls the successful launch of the Government Voices Webinar Series and SEVP Portal, the improvement of SEVP’s internal processes for proactively responding to emergencies, and the proposed adjustment to SEVP’s fees. Shifting to 2019, Director Canty notes the potential proposal of two new rules concerning eligibility checks for designated school officials (DSOs) and periods of authorized stay for international students, as well as plans to publish a final rule to adjust SEVP’s fees.

This quarterly edition of SEVP Spotlight, distributed via email through GovDelivery, also includes:

For more information, read the full articles on the December 2018 SEVP Spotlight page.

Related Tags: SEVP, Resources

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