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An SEVP field representative sits in an office with a designated school official and discusses SEVP regulations

DSOs: Understand the Role of SEVP Field Representatives

January 30, 2018

Did you know that many Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) field representatives were formerly designated school officials (DSOs)? This background provides SEVP field representatives with a unique understanding of DSOs’ needs and the challenges that DSOs face.

SEVP field representatives serve as liaisons between SEVP and SEVP-certified schools, and conduct school visits at least once a year. Additionally, they enhance national security by helping SEVP‑certified schools understand and follow federal regulations and ensure Student and Exchange Visitor Information System data integrity.

Read these previously published Study in the States blog posts to learn how field representatives serve the academic community and can assist you in your role as a DSO:

Want to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of SEVP field representatives? Watch the recording of the Winter 2017 SEVP InFocus Webinar to hear tips for DSOs from a panel of field representatives. You can also review the frequently asked questions about SEVP field representatives for more information.

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