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Curricular Practical Training Guidance

As the demand for experiential learning increases, stakeholders request clearer federal guidance to facilitate curricular practical training (CPT) in accordance with the existing regulations.

Government Response

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) understands the need for clearer CPT guidance and continues to work on policy guidance related to student employment and on-the-job training. 

SEVP plans to release draft guidance that clarifies previous CPT-focused guidance documents. The program encourages stakeholders to read and review all practical training-related guidance documents and to provide SEVP with specific feedback about how experimental learning and recent changes in higher education affect their program’s administration of CPT. SEVP reviews all stakeholder comments and uses this insight to inform future guidance.

Stakeholders can sign up to receive notifications when the program releases new guidance for public comment via the Study in the States SEVP Guidance for Comment page.