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Designated school officials (DSOs) are school employees that are dedicated to helping F and M students at their school maintain their nonimmigrant status. “Ask a DSO” is a series with advice from DSOs on the different situations F and M students may encounter and for which they need to…
Questions from Designated School Officials is a blog series on Study in the States for designated school officials (DSOs). Each month, we will answer a question that will help you advise your F and/or M students. If you are a DSO and would like to submit a question, you can email us or…
As an F or M student in the United States you must maintain your student status by following the Department of Homeland Security's rules and regulations. For example, if you want to drive, you must obtain a driver’s license.  If you want to work, you can only do so with…
A recent study in the Journal of International Students highlights the impacts international students have on their American classmates. Bloomberg Businessweek reported the results are based on a survey of more than 5,600 American graduates who “were asked about the extent to which they…