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As you prepare for school in the United States, it is important that you understand rules and regulations about travel and entry into the United States. For more information on preparing for travel to the United States, visit U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s "Know Before You Go…
Designated school officials (DSO) are school employees that are dedicated to helping F and M students at their school maintain their nonimmigrant status for the duration of their program. Ask a DSO is a series with advice from DSOs on the different situations F and M students may encounter and need…
Each week, the White House’s Champions of Change program honors entrepreneurs, innovators and community activists for their vision and commitment to “out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world; …to win the future.” Recently, the White House honored eleven…
When we think about the benefits of F and M students in the United States, discussions usually focus on the additions you make to the economy, the way your American peers benefit from international students in the classroom, and the advantages you gain from attending U.S. schools and experiencing U…