Submit Form I-515A Documentation Via Email
F, M, and J students and exchange visitors can now email Form I-515A, “Notice to Student or Exchange Visitor,” required documentation to SEVP instead of mailing documents.
Update: Dong v. Johnson
Please note the proposed class settlement in Dong v. Johnson, No. 2:17-2092-ES-JSA (D.N.J. filed Mar. 30, 2017), a lawsuit that involves the University of Northern New Jersey, or UNNJ.

Study in the States offers interactive resources to help schools and students understand the international student process.
School Certification Life Cycle
Review the School Certification Life Cycle for a step-by-step guide to the SEVP certification process for schools and programs in the United States.
Guide to Studying in the States
Use this tool to create a guide for understanding the rules that F-1 and M-1 international students must follow to study in the United States.
School Search
Use the School Search tool to find SEVP-certified schools and programs that are eligible to enroll F and M students in the United States. Search the map by school name, location, education or visa type.
Resource Library
Download, print and share free visual graphics that explain SEVP certification and the international student process in the United States. You can search for resources using audience and topic filters.