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Students: Visit the New Travel Resource Page

September 12, 2019

As an F or M student studying in the United States, you may be able to travel during your time of study. If you travel internationally for annual vacation or during a school break, make sure you take the appropriate steps before you travel to ensure a smooth reentry into the United States.

Before you plan your travel, visit Study in the States’ new resource page, “Traveling as an International Student,” to learn about:

  • Meeting with your designated school official (DSO) before your trip.
  • What you need to bring to a U.S. port of entry.
  • The Form I515A , “Notice to Student or Exchange Visitor.”

Visit the Travel page on for Travel FAQs by visa type for F and M students.

For case-specific questions regarding travel, talk to your DSO or call the Student and Exchange Visitor Program Response Center

Related Tags: Travel, Resources

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