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A school official sits at her desk and submits Form I-17 evidence using her computer

School Officials: Bookmark the Form I-17 Evidence Guide

February 8, 2018

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program’s (SEVP) Definitions of Commonly Required Evidence guide helps school officials better understand Form I-17, “Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student,” evidentiary requirements. The document defines a list of evidence SEVP needs to adjudicate Form I-17 requests.

Use this guide with the corresponding checklists available on the Certification, Recertification and Petition Updates pages on to understand what evidence is required for your request. Remember that the evidence you need to provide to SEVP depends on your school’s petition type, program of study and accreditation status.

It is important to consult this guide and the relevant checklist as you prepare your petition because you must upload the evidence needed for adjudication via the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) at the time you file your Form I-17 request. Because these actions happen concurrently, you must collect all necessary documentation prior to submitting the petition.

As a reminder, after March 8, 2018, SEVP will no longer accept evidence submitted via email and will only accept evidence for the Form I-17 via SEVIS. Failing to upload the necessary evidence in SEVIS after March 8 will result in a canceled petition request.

Want to learn more about the upload evidence process? Find detailed information about uploading evidence for the Form I-17 and for SEVIS correction requests on the SEVIS Help Hub.

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