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DSOs: Learn How to Create an Initial Form I-20

July 7, 2017

Once an international student is accepted to a Student and Exchange Visitor Program-certified school, their designated school official (DSO) issues them a Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status.” If you are a new DSO or need a reminder, watch the Creating the Initial Form I-20 video demonstration on the SEVIS Help Hub.

This demonstration will walk you through each step of creating and completing an initial Form I-20 in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). Watch the demonstration for a field-by-field explanation of what should be included in each section of the form, including:

  • Creating a new initial Form I-20 from the Listing of Schools page.
  • Completing the student name section and following guidelines for SEVIS name standards.
  • Entering program start and end dates, education level and major codes.
  • Adding dependents.
  • Inputting a student’s financial information, including expenses and funding.

For additional information about issuing Forms I-20 to international students, read DSOs and the Form I-20 on Study in the States. You can also visit the Create Initial Form I-20 page on the SEVIS Help Hub for more SEVIS screenshots and additional step-by-step instruction.

Interested in other SEVIS videos? Check out the SEVIS Demonstrations page on the SEVIS Help Hub for more resources demonstrating SEVIS functionality.


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