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DSOs: Wrap Up the School Year with These Reminders

May 7, 2015
The school year is winding down for institutions across the United States with a traditional academic calendar. The end of the year can lead to a lot of changes for your international students, such as graduation, school transfers or a change of student status. As a designated school official (DSO), it is your responsibility to report these changes in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). 
Here are some important reminders as you report changes in SEVIS:
F-1 Students
  • Must depart the United States within 60 days of their program or optional practical training (OPT) end date; and
  • Are eligible to take an annual vacation after completing one academic year of their program. 
M-1 Students
  • Must depart the United States within 30 days after their program or practical training end date; and 
  • Are not eligible for annual vacation.
If one of your F or M students is transferring to another Student and Exchange Visitor Program school, their release date in SEVIS must be accurate and their new DSO must provide them with a new Form I 20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status.”
Before your F student leaves the country for annual vacation, be sure to sign their Form I-20, which they will need with them when they return to a U.S. port of entry. Advise your students to check that their passport and visa will be valid for re-entry to the United States. If your students that are traveling have applied and are approved for OPT, they may need their “Employment Authorization Documents” with them when they return to the United States, as well. 
Please make sure that your international students have your office’s emergency contact information handy if they plan on traveling abroad over the summer. A student may need to contact you as they enter a U.S. port of entry upon their return to the United States. 
Check out the latest edition of the SEVP Spotlight for more end-of-year reminders. Do you have other helpful tips for your fellow DSOs to remember as the school year ends? Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
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