Get to Know SEVP: An Introduction to Working with International Students

June 11, 2019
2:00PM - 3:00PM EDT

The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) partnered with the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) to present Get to Know SEVP: An Introduction to Working with International Students.

During the webinar, SEVP representatives provided a program overview, discussed ways campus law enforcement officials can incorporate international students into emergency preparedness, and reviewed free resources available to NCCPS stakeholders.

This webinar was appropriate for senior administrators, campus safety and security officers/law enforcement, emergency managers, and international education officials. Other audiences that may benefit include residential life and student conduct and affairs staff.

This webinar is free and open to all SEVP stakeholders; registration is not required, but it is encouraged.


To access a recording of the webinar and a PDF of the presentation, please visit the NCCPS webinar page.

This was a beginner level webinar appropriate for senior administrators, campus safety and security officers/law enforcement, emergency managers, and international education officials. Other audiences that benefitted include staff from residential life and student conduct and affairs.