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Have You Visited the Trends and Improvements Section?

June 1, 2017

Launched in October 2016, the Trends and Improvements section on Study in the States is the central repository for tracking and monitoring the government’s progress on feedback received from the academic and international student communities.

The section, which is updated regularly, aims to increase transparency by providing the most up-to-date information about the government’s response to stakeholder feedback. The Trends and Improvements section currently contains 18 pieces of feedback, including:

Each piece of stakeholder feedback includes a description of the concern, the government’s response and any action taken to address the concern, along with any related content available on Study in the States, or other government websites.

Do you have a piece of feedback you would like to see addressed in the Trends and Improvements section? Share it by sending an email to and including Trends and Improvements in the subject line. 


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