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Schools: Transfer F-1 International Students' Records after Graduation

May 26, 2017

If an F-1 international student plans to transfer to another Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified school after completing their final course of study, the student's designated school official (DSO) must initiate the transfer during the student's 60-day grace period.

After completing their course of study in the United States, F-1 students only have a 60-day period after their program end date during which they can stay in the United States.

When an F-1 student transfers, the DSO must keep the student's same Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record. To ensure the SEVIS record transfer process is completed correctly, F-1 students must communicate with both the DSO at their transfer-out school and the DSO at their transfer-in school.

The DSO at the student's transfer-out school should not complete the student's SEVIS record but should instead transfer it out in Active status to the transfer-in school. During the process, DSOs should also:

  • Ensure the student's program end date is correct in SEVIS prior to the transfer.
  • Initiate the transfer within the student's 60-day grace period.
  • Stay in contact with the DSO at the student's transfer-in school.
  • Ensure they are transferring the SEVIS record to the correct campus location.

If an F-1 student does not plan to attend another SEVP-certified school, the student must apply for optional practical training, apply for a change of status or depart the United States before their 60-day grace period ends.

Need more information on transferring F-1 students' SEVIS records? Visit the SEVIS Help Hub for step-by-step information about the transfer process.

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