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Director Farrell Discusses SEVP’s Commitment to Transparency

March 29, 2017

The March 2017 SEVP Spotlight is now available on Study in the States. In this edition, Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Director Louis Farrell discusses the importance of government transparency when it comes to SEVP’s decision making process.

In the article, Director Farrell explains the link between sharing information, national security and the creation of a new tool, the School Appeal Status Tracker, on Study in the States. This online tool allows SEVP-certified schools in the appeals process to proactively and securely check the status of their case thereby increasing government transparency.

Also in the March 2017 issue is the ICE Sensitive Location Statement and an article from an SEVP field representative about managing international student athletes.

Download the SEVP Spotlight on Study in the States and share it with your networks on social media.


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