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A Young man moving into a dormitory on a college campus.

DSOs: Help Your Students Acclimate to Life in the United States

January 12, 2017

Once international students arrive in the United States, it is important that they understand the rules and regulations they must follow to maintain their legal status.

Directing students to the Study in the States blog and Students section can help them learn more about the international student life cycle. Including some of the infographics available in the Resource Library in their welcome packets is also a good way to set students up for success.

However, acclimating to a new environment, particularly one in a foreign country, can be difficult. As a designated school official, you can help your international students cope and manage their expectations of their new home by pointing them to the U.S. Department of State’s Adjusting to a New Culture web page.

Do you have suggestions on how to help international students adjust to their new environment? Share them with us on social media using the hashtag #StudyintheStates.

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