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School Officials: Learn Who to Contact About Your Appeal

November 1, 2016

If you are an individual with legal standing at a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified school or a school that has applied for certification and have filed an appeal with SEVP, you can email to request an update on the status of your appeal.

Please note that SEVP defines individuals with legal standing as the institution’s:

  • President.
  • Owner or head of the school.
  • Designated school officials.
  • Designated attorney/accredited representative.

There are seven steps involved in the typical SEVP appeal process. SEVP treats each appeal with the same thorough review to ensure that a school's specific situation is given maximum consideration, and strives to complete each review in the timeliest manner possible.

When you contact SEVP, you will learn where your appeal is within the tiered process. Because of the complexity of each appeal, and the nuances of each school's situation, SEVP is unable to provide schools with an exact time frame regarding when the program will issue a final decision on specific cases.

In many cases, schools have the right to file an appeal or motion when SEVP issues Notices of Denial, Automatic Withdrawals or Withdrawal on Notices. To learn more about the steps involved in the SEVP appeal and motion processes, please visit How to File an Appeal or Motion on There are also helpful FAQs and information on Study in the States about the SEVP appeal and motion processes. 

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