PDSOs: Have You Completed Your Annual SEVIS Verification?
As of Jan. 5, 2016, 68 percent of all Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) users have been verified. Remember, principal designated school officials (PDSO) have until March 2, 2016 to complete their annual SEVIS verification.
PDSOs must log into SEVIS and confirm that all system users associated with their school are still employed by the institution and currently perform duties that require access to SEVIS. If a PDSO fails to complete the SEVIS verification by the March 2 deadline, unverified designated school officials (DSO) will lose access to the system.
The annual SEVIS verification period ensures compliance with the Federal Information System Management Act, which requires an annual verification and review for all users who access federal systems. This process ensures system security and confirms that users have both the need and the authorization to continue using federal systems.
Visit the SEVIS Help Hub to review the PDSO/DSO annual verification user guide for more information about this annual verification process and read through the frequently asked questions that have been posted. . PDSOs may also direct specific questions about SEVIS verification to SEVISTechnicalFeedback@ice.dhs.gov.