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USCIS Explains If Unpaid Interns Need Form I-9

November 25, 2015

This week, Study in the States invites its U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) partner, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to the blog to explain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. In this three part series, you will learn about Form I-9, how to properly complete it and we answer who needs to complete Form I-9 - one of USCIS’ most frequently asked questions.

In the first part of this series, we explained what Form I-9 is and in the second part we discussed how to properly complete it. To close out this three-part series, we will address a commonly asked question about who needs to fill out Form I-9.

By law, all U.S. employers are required to verify the identity and employment eligibility of each employee. After you are offered and have accepted a position, your employer should hand you a copy of Form I-9, “Employment Eligibility Verification.”  You are responsible for completing and submitting Form I-9. The I-9 Central website has useful guidance on employment eligibility for foreign students. The Form I-9 Information sheet is available in English, as well as in 20 non-English language versions.

USCIS is frequently asked whether an unpaid intern needs to complete Form I-9. In general, an unpaid intern does not need to complete Form I-9 unless he or she will receive remuneration, which is something of value such as no-cost or reduced-cost meals, lodging or other benefits in exchange for his or her labor or services. For more information about remuneration, see the Form I-9 Central Questions and Answers.

Your DSO may be able to answer some of your questions about Form I-9 employment eligibility verification process. The Employee Rights Toolkit on USCIS’ website also has useful information.

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