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DSOs: Read This As You Consider a Third-Party Recruiter or Agency

August 26, 2015

There is an increasing demand for international students at U.S. schools, and it is understandable that your Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified school may consider hiring a third-party recruiter or agency to help you meet your recruitment goals. 

The use of third-party recruiters or agencies is not a requirement for SEVP certification, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does not regulate this practice. Instead, the decision to use a third-party recruiter or agency to bring more international students to your SEVP-certified school is a business choice at your school’s discretion. 

If your SEVP-certified school wants to work with a third-party recruiter or agency, it is important that you consider the following when making your decision:

As with any business decision, your school should investigate, consult and consider the risks, costs and benefits of working with third-party agents and recruiters. We strongly recommend you visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s U.S. Educational Institutions and Intensive English Programs to begin your recruitment research. This U.S. government site provides market research reports, international student recruitment events, and other relevant information to ensure you and your school make the business decision that is best for your circumstance. 

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