Schools: New Time Frame to Request Corrections to Student Statuses in SEVIS
June 12, 2015
Starting today, June 12, 2015, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) changed the time frame for when it accepts a designated school official’s (DSO) “Requests for Correction to Student Status.”
Now, DSOs can submit a request to change an F-1 student’s Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record to Active up to 60 days in advance of the student’s return from a temporary absence. Previously, DSOs could only request to change the student’s record up to 30 days prior to the student’s return.
Below are answers to some questions you may have about this change.
When would I need to set a student’s record to Terminated for Authorized Early Withdrawal?
The student’s SEVIS record must be set to Terminated for Authorized Early Withdrawal when an F-1 student must take time away from school due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., a family emergency) at a time when the student would otherwise be required to enroll in classes to maintain status.
This situation occurs while the student’s program of study is in session and when the F-1 student is not eligible for annual vacation or a reduced course load. With a terminated SEVIS record, the student must spend the temporary absence outside the United States.
How do I know when to request a Correction to Student Status?
When the student is ready to return to the United States and re-enroll, if approved by their SEVP-certified school, the DSO must then go into the student’s SEVIS record and request a Correction to Student Status back to Active status. The DSO may now make this request up to 60 days before the student’s next session start date in SEVIS.
Are there any additional requirements for requesting a Correction to Student Status back to Active?
Yes, the student’s absence must be shorter than five months and the purpose for the student’s return to the United States must be to enroll in school.
Why did SEVP make this change?
This change is based on stakeholder feedback SEVP received. Previously, such requests could only be made up to 30 days before the date the student intends to re-enroll in classes. Now, DSOs will be able to initiate these correction requests up to 60 days before the date the student is scheduled to return and enroll. In addition to improving SEVIS data integrity, SEVP believes these process improvements will have a positive effect on the academic stakeholder community.
If you have additional questions, contact the SEVP Response Center at sevp@dhs.ice.gov.
To learn about other reasons for student termination in SEVIS, visit the Termination Reasons page on the SEVIS Help Hub.