Filing Taxes 101
March 12, 2015
Do you have a part-time job? Have you received scholarship money or a grant from your school? In both of these instances, you are required to file and pay taxes as an international student studying in the United States.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), part of the U.S. Department of Treasury, collects taxes from individuals who earn an income in the United States. Taxes pay for government services like the military, health care, schools and roads. Any income you earn in the United States must be reported to the government. This includes:
- Income from wages;
- Receipt of a grant, fellowship or scholarship;
- Interest from stock options;
- Lottery or gambling winnings; and
- Other types of non-wage income.
If you earn any of the types of income listed above, you must file a tax return by April 15. Also known as Tax Day, April 15 is the annual filing deadline for U.S. federal income taxes. Visit the IRS’ website for more information on who must file taxes, as well as resources on how to file your taxes. If you have additional questions, talk with your designated school official.
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