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Find out what to do if you want to extend your program of study.

Extending Your Program of Study

January 27, 2014

Part of maintaining your status as an F student is making normal academic progress to finish your program of study by the end date listed on your Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status.” If you think you will not finish your program of study by your program end date, talk to your designated school official (DSO) for guidance.

If you are maintaining status and making normal progress towards program completion, your DSO may be able to grant you an extension for delays caused by any of the following:

  • Change in major or research topic
  • Unexpected research problems
  • Documented illness

Your DSO will not grant an extension for any of the following reasons:

  • Academic probation
  • Suspension from school
  • Request for an extension made after the program end date on your Form I-20

If you are having trouble in your classes, your first step always should be talking to your DSO. It is important to talk to them before any issues become problems – it is the best way to avoid falling out of status.

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