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Find out how you can volunteer and maintain status.

Volunteering in the United States

December 23, 2013

Volunteering is a great way to “make a difference,” to help people where there is need and participate in your community. As an F or M student, you may volunteer while you study in the United States, but you must maintain your nonimmigrant student status by complying with Department of Homeland Security rules and regulations.

Here are some important reminders if you plan on volunteering:

  • You cannot receive any form of taxable income from your volunteer activity.
  • If the volunteer position is one for which an employer would otherwise officially hire someone, you may work there only with all necessary employment authorization.

To find volunteer activities in your area, visit, where you can read inspiring service stories, create and register your own project, recruit volunteers or share your experiences.

Have you volunteered in your community while maintaining your nonimmigrant student status? Share your story with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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